Courses and Resources
Personal Transformation Retreat
Join us for a life-changing experience...
Holistic transformation retreat with plant medicine and meditations to rid yourself of past trauma, addiction, and toxic thought patterns.
Our healing retreats are hosted by our partner organization, Perennial Holistic Care and are held at various locations in the beautiful jungles of Colombia and Costa Rica.
We’ve guided hundreds of wonderful human beings through these life-changing experiences and each one of them has left feeling changed for the better, and having discovered a deeper part of themself.
You’ll work directly with one of our expert facilitators to ensure that you achieve the most out of each experience.
Click below to learn more about how you can transform your life.

Precision Emotional Healing by Liber8

Helping you build a long and fulfilling life.
Get a comprehensive emotional lab report, custom care plan, and a dedicated support group to help you experience lasting emotional freedom.
The Liber8 emotional healing program helps you to discover and overcome the roots of trauma, and find peace in your life. Use the Liber8 program to identify emotional triggers, consult with an expert on how to overcome past trauma, and join a community that will give you support and resources to grow and find freedom and fulfillment in your life.
List Price: $137
Use the code “LH10” to get 10% off on Liber8 programs.
The Motion of Gratitude
Change Your Life in 28 Days with the Power of Gratitude
Gratitude is not just a nice idea - it's proven by science to actually change your brain and make you a happier person.
The experience of The Motion of Gratitude helps you to transform your life with daily journaling, breathwork and meditation, routines of Yoga Nidra, and learning to share your gratitude with those you love.
Rooted in scientific research & stories on gratitude’s impact, this experience aims to remind you to feel the impact that daily gratitude has in our life and provides the tools for you to set a new foundation in your life rooted in a perspective of gratitude & intention.
Take 28 days to refocus, rediscover gratitude, and set a new direction for a purposeful, present life.
Course Fee: $28-$48 per month

Men's Trauma Therapy Consultation

Individual therapy with trauma expert Joseph Gleed
Individual trauma therapy is available for those that are seeking help in working through their trauma and related issues, such as anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and more.
Joseph Gleed, a license therapist, is passionate about supporting others as they improve their mental health and develop solution-focused strategies to live a more meaningful and valued life.
Book this therapy consultation to determine if this therapy program is right for you.
This is a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Meditation and Healing Resources
Resources for meditation, breathwork, and healing from Caroline Cory
Caroline Cory is a leader in the field of meditation and consciousness. She has developed new methods for clearing deep-seated traumas and has worked with world renowned experts to experiment on correlations between consciousness and physical health.
View these resources for meditations to help relieve stress and anxiety, music to help with relaxation and healing, instruction on breathwork, and other resources on how to utilize singing, dancing, movement, and yoga in your healing journey.
This is a FREE resource