About the Podcast
Welcome to part 2 of my Interview with Hada Vanessa, where we delve deep into the heart-wrenching reality of child trafficking and abuse.
If you haven’t take the time to watch part 1 here:• Child Liberations Executive Director:…
We share unbelievable, real-life experiences in our fight against this global epidemic.
From our travels around the world to encounters with dangerous traffickers, we reveal the harrowing stories of victims and the urgent need for action.
Join us as we discuss the profound impact of childhood trauma, the power of positive energy, and the importance of addressing the root causes of abuse.
Link to our resources here: https://liberating-humanity.com/courses-resources/
Paul Hutchinson [00:00:01]
Welcome back to the liberating Humanity podcast. My name is Paul Hutchinson. This is part two of meet my beautiful wife. Last time we went through her history before she met me, not all of it but a lot of the highlights of her acting career and some of the challenges that she had in that career. Her charitable heart, amazing amazing life that she lived. Now we’re going to move forward to just the highlights of the Last 5 Years. We’re going to talk a little bit about the charity work,, building the Child Liberation Foundation, a little bit about her movie that she did here in the US where she was an assassin who kills assassins, that’s kind of fun and we’re going to talk about undercover mission that she went on with me before her movie came out. So this is going to be super super fun. I think you’re going to love this episode. So, thank you for coming back.
Hada Vanessa [00:00:59]
Thank you for having me.
Paul Hutchinson [00:01:01]
Here we are with part two. We met in Haiti a little over 5 years ago. So that was 2019
Hada Vanessa [00:01:12]
Actually, it’s going to be six in a month.
Paul Hutchinson [00:01:15]
Almost six years ago. So we met in Haiti and I was in Haiti. I had done a bunch of undercover work in Haiti and a man by the name of Jim, who had done some work with us undercover in Haiti. I was at his funeral and there’s a lot of questions around his death. I will say this. He was bringing down the most powerful corruption in that country. We had arrested some really bad traffickers and some corrupt judges. He wanted to see how high that went and unfortunately is no longer with us. And I was at his funeral and while I was there, I’m standing in line at the airport and this beautiful woman, standing right behind me.
Hada Vanessa [00:02:16]
I’m going to interrupt you really quickly there. It was like two weeks that we were there. I don’t know. I was pretty sweaty and I don’t know what you were seeing as beautiful, but thank you.
Paul Hutchinson [00:02:30]
What were you wearing?
Hada Vanessa[00:02:34]
Just like sweats and a hat and you know. I don’t know about beautiful.
Paul Hutchinson [00:02:40]
This beautiful woman, beautiful heart, standing behind me in line and we started talking about why we were both there. The charity work that she was doing. The charity work that I had done. And she realized that she had been donating to the foundation that I was working with at the time for many many years and of course because I was still undercover, didn’t know who I was, I didn’t have a public face like we do today and we sat and talked for hours. We happened to be on the airplane. I was in the very last seat of a first class and she was in the very front seat of comfort and I leaned my seat back and we talked all the way back to the US and then we spent all evening, all the way until the sun came up just talking, just talking about the rescue missions. She wanted to know about every one of them. And so we started dating. Now, I have to tell you this story because I think this is just beautiful. I joke and I tell people that I created my wife, I kind of did. So here’s a cool story guys, I’m gonna tell the audiences because you already know the story. So I was at a Tony Robbins event. Tony called me and we were talking back and forth and he knew that I had some connections with some people that could really use his big conference and I had some connections with some great people that it would be fun to introduce him to and so I offered to bring some of those people there one of them was Glenn Back, a great wonderful man, huge supporter of a lot of the foundations that I’ve worked with in the past and just a huge heart and so flew there with him and his son and there’s a part in Tony’s conference where he has you identify something in your life that isn’t there, usually it’s business, you identify something in your business that is a goal of where you want to be a year from now or five years from now and you write down in detail. What it looks like, what it feels like, just everything about what that change in your business life is and I realized I’ve done this so many times. I’ve did it to help create a multi-billion dollar company. I used it to help create the foundation and all of these things. The power of the mind and the power of your voice and of writing things down is amazing, what it can do in your life and it’s not just writing it down so you can remember what you’re thinking about. I’ve realized that writing things down literally sends out this energy wave to the Universe around you and attracts those things into your life or in some cases creates those things in your life and so I was in a super difficult relationship. I was in my second marriage and things were falling apart there. It was just super super hard and I thought to myself okay, I’m going to use this to create that perfect relationship and at first I was writing down my relationship with and there was talking about the girl I was with at the time and I realized, no, I need to change that to my relationship with the woman in my life is and this is how the woman in my life shows up for me and this is how I show up for her and this is what happens is how she interacts with my children and me with hers Etc. and all of these detail on this perfect relationship in my life and I wrote down everything, everything in detail and I’ll share it. I’ll actually share it at some point on one of these podcasts and it is beautiful. All of the details there. Well I forgot to write in there that I needed somebody with a somewhat clean mouth that didn’t use the f word all the time and somebody that wasn’t from New Jersey and a drank beer. I forget about those things but all the important stuff I had in there. All the important things of what a really healthy relationship looked like and fortunately by that time I had done the work to qualify for a relationship that was really healthy. I hadn’t done that work before. I was still Paul Effen Hutchinson and I had this arrogance and this ego and this greed and this energy that just didn’t jive with somebody of this caliber. And I had started doing some guided meditation, plant medicine, Journey experiences, some things like that that helped me change my perception of myself and what I really wanted in the future Etc. So I wrote all of these things down detail, detail, detail pages of them and within a couple months I’m in Haiti and everything on that list she was. everything and I’m just super grateful.
So I created her. Moving forward. What did you think when you met this guy in the airport in Haiti? Now this is the girl I stole from Superman. No, technically she was dating him a little wise before that but, she was not interested in dating Superman but she was interested in this dude she met in Haiti. What’s that about?
Hada Vanessa [00:08:17]
Well for one, I have this beautiful, beautiful gift of seeing through all of the outside and really feeling into people’s hearts and you have the biggest heart I’ve ever. Generous in the ways that you give from here. you know, and that I was fascinated by all of your stories because I’m a sucker for children. I love children. I have so many kids that have called me mom throughout my life. They haven’t lived with me any or anything but I have so many of babies friends that I just love them. I love children, I just love mothering them. We’re not talking about kids, we’re talking about you. I don’t want to mother you but the fact that you were rescuing all these children and I saw your heart and your passion for it. You were very genuine when you were telling me these stories. I felt while you were there and that really captured my heart and the more that we talked, the more that I wanted to get to know you and the more that I was fascinated by you and on the last one we spoke about the no blender and I saw you a no blender, and the more that I got to know you it was like, “oh he’s not even like 10 men in a blender, he’s like 50 men in a blender.” I don’t know anyone in my life. I don’t know anyone or know of anyone that does as much as you do. If I were to put an age on you for all the things that you have done in your life you’d be like 500. What we do in a day, in a week, in a year equalizes what people do their entire lifetime and I love that. I’m not a monotonous person. So one of my requirements for this no blender guy was to not be bored. holy [ __ ] did you cover that.
Paul Hutchinson[00:10:30]
We’re not bored. These last two months we were in Thailand. Meeting with some people that had some healing retreats there in Thailand and then we flew to a different part of Thailand for actually a meditative healing ceremony for us and our family.
Hada Vanessa [00:10:50]
His modalities help other people heal. I’m excited about that.
Paul Hutchinson [00:10:55]
Awesome. It was a cool story. Where in Thailand. We met some guys who were keong practitioners that had trained with this guy named white tiger. Just an amazing trainer. Now he has over 60,000 practitioners around the world and over 100 Master Teachers and he made a promise that he wouldn’t ever show his face to promote himself and so you don’t see him anywhere but his practitioners are everywhere and I mean this guy is in high demand. I mean, very few people get a chance to even sit down face to face with him and one of the practitioners that we were with found out that I was one of the executive producers of the sound of freedom and that I had been on the mission.
Hada Vanessa [00:11:41]
He had told her that he wanted to see that movie. He had told his students you got to go see this movie and I believe she said that he mentioned that I got to find a way to work with them. I want to team up with them and boom.
Paul Hutchinson [00:11:55]
Yeah. So the next week, she calls white tiger and he clears out his schedule, so that we could go spend an entire week and learn some different modalities because one of our goals within Liberating Humanity and even in the Child Liberation Foundation is identifying different modalities outside of all of the pills that big pharma can feed you and the traditional therapy that 20 years of that doesn’t work. How do we really implement change, how do we help people release that trauma and energetically just cleanse themselves from all of that crap that they’ve been holding on to, from their childhood trauma Etc. So we’ve been actively studying different modalities and breathwork and meditation and different tools and so that’s what was exciting there and then from there we flew to India.
Hada Vanessa [00:12:50]
And also we had some beautiful meditations there and met some wonderful people: The Prince and the Gupta family that are also in alignment with changing the world for it to be a better place. And you know that’s the thing because I think last month we had six countries in six days. We were sleeping on a plane. Well, you were sleeping on a plane because I still got to adjust to sleeping on the plane but it’s not just the travels, it is the essence of why we’re traveling so much and why we come to all these places and the people that we’re meeting and it’s not vacations. It’s looking and teaming up with people to help elevate humanity and consciousness and the world and this is why you’re my no blender.
Paul Hutchinson [00:13:50]
So from there we flew. We were there for a couple weeks. Went to Mexico.
Hada Vanessa [00:13:56]
Also for another seminar with some of the producers at Tundo .
Hada Vanessa [00:14:05]
It was beautiful there. We met wonderful people also in the energy work also helping others elevate themselves and heal themselves and then we went where Costa?
Paul Hutchinson [00:14:15]
Rica Costa Rica of healers as well. A lot of people don’t understand that music carries with it a certain frequency that is depressing. There’s some people that say that even back to Nazi Germany they purposely changed the frequency of traditional music in America for the purpose of creating depression and anxiety Etc. that if you instead do music with 432 Hertz or these different frequencies that it can elevate consciousness and elevate your mood instead of create anxiety and depression.
Hada Vanessa [00:14:55]
This is important. I want to touch a little bit longer on this because it’s important for people to understand that everything, everything, this microphone, ourselves, this ring, the shirt, everything that is a matter that exists has a frequency. We are frequency, our emotions run on a different frequency. This is why sometimes you meet with certain people and they’re always moody and they’re always complaining and they’re always depressed. It drains you and why sometimes you can meet and go into rooms with other people that are alive, that are positive, that are happy and your mood elevates. Whatever mood we are in transfers because we’re all 99.99999 energy. It’s important to know that when we’re listening to music, when we’re watching TV, when we’re reading books, when we speak, the things that we say, that we think, cuz even our thoughts run on frequency just like emotions, it’s not like, “oh but how’s that so? Well, how does your Wi-Fi work? Can you see it? No. Okay, same stuff, same thing, so it’s important to understand that when we’re listening to you know music that is trashing life on humans, on women, on men, on sex , on all these negative things, we are absorbing that and we are we become what we listen to and what we surround ourselves with. So it’s important to understand that what we watch on TV, what we listen to the people we hang out with, the things that we say, are all contributing to what this world looks like, cuz we’re all connected and so be careful what music you listen to, be careful what movies you’re watching, be careful the things that you’re saying, it takes the same amount of effort to use a negative word or negative expression towards something than to use the positive. I don’t know why humans are so inclined. like, you see somebody gossiping about something everybody comes together with, you see it in the news. Something happened, a gossip or somebody did something everybody wants to know. Somebody did something good for the world. It’s like crickets. It’s important to understand, we need to consciously start changing these things that we do that we get attracted to the negative to, the gossip, to trashing people. Don’t do it. Don’t do it not only because of you trashing others but because of yourself. That’s when you are badmouthing someone else you’re carrying that energy in you and the energies and emotions that we express and that we feel get transferred, get formed into chemical reactions that your brain releases and that go to all your body. That’s what you see: people that are grouchy and are mad all the time, time they get old fast, they’re always sick and people that are happy they live longer and they look younger and so it’s really important to understand. One day we should do a podcast on frequency. It’s frequency the entire universe is formed on these frequencies and there’s good and there’s bad and where you put your energy that’s what you start creating around you. You see like when you’re in love everything is beautiful and you and all good things happen. This is because you fall in love and you’re in a happy mood so you start attracting all that. That’s why good things happen when you first fall in love and when you’re in love and you’re happy and bad things like when you get up in the morning and you’re like ah just another day and then from there bad things keep happening somebody cut you off and you ran out of gas and you this and this is because you’re carrying that energy so that’s what you’re attracting. So be very careful where you put your energy towards and I just wanted to focus on that because a lot of people don’t know that we are creating our atmosphere our world.
Paul Hutchinson [00:19:07]
Yep. We were in Costa Rica with a bunch of musicians that were in some conscious creators. These were musicians that were specifically focused on creating something within the right frequency Etc. and so it was a beautiful event. I was a keynote speaker the last night that we were there. We spent a few days with them and then literally we had to drive cuz there wasn’t a flight that got me in time we had to speak there the next day we’re speaking in Dominican Republic. We get in at 3:00 a.m. in the Dominican Republic. I’m on stage at 11 the next morning and so we got a couple hours of sleep on stage and then of course everybody wants to talk to us about the foundation, how they can help, so many beautiful hearts. This was a family off office conference. Now, for you people who think “oh it’s only the rich who are doing bad” you know what? The poor do bad, the rich do bad, everybody does bad and both of them can do good as well. And the one thing I love about those people is they had worked really hard for some very big checkbooks that they can now make massive impacts in the world if they choose to right and so I love speaking to some of those groups because these are guys who can, I mean, could feed an entire Village for a year with one check right and it’s super beautiful to see people like that and then of course we get done talking to everybody at midnight 1:00 a.m. we’re on our way back to the airport Texas from there cuz we were speaking in Texas the next day and then to New York yes you’re right
and then to New York where we were on that big podcast and then back home I me it was so yeah six countries and and it’s in six days literally crazy you’re never bore or for me
so anyway let’s go back we get together we start building the foundation um you know I already had the Child Liberation Foundation before but really the Child Liberation Foundation was more just to it was a place where I could put my money that then could fund some of the rescue missions that I was doing and pay for the security guys and the other operators Etc. it wasn’t anything. I was raising anything for I was working with some other foundations at the time but that was I didn’t want anybody else’s money to ever pay for my trips my undercover work my you know my whatever I wanted to contribute in all areas to that and so that’s what that was for well then you came on and started working with some of the Aftercare you did a number of different ops. In fact you went with us to Ecuador and why don’t you tell the audience about the girl who whose mother was killed when she was eight .
Hada Vanessa [00:22:00]
Man. That’s my little child. That actually her story has inspired a lot of the new projects that we have on CF. So this little girl was eight when her mother died and her father was an alcoholic and so because he was an alcoholic. she got placed in her aunt’s house and you know she was living there by the time she was 10. Her uncle started raping her and she tells her aunt and whether her aunt believed it or not she said you’re so ungrateful. We take you in and you start making up stories and of course you know that spread throughout the whole family and she’s you know the orphan that lives there that’s ungrateful and so she was kind of like the outcast of the family and years go on and she’s 15 and she’s still getting raped by the uncle and nobody gives a you know [ __ ]. she’s living this life, well she was in school and it’s important her story is really important because most children get lured and groomed. They don’t get kidnapped. So she tells me that on her way to school when she was 15. This guy just started talking to her on the way home and she would ignore him but he kept doing it every day and So eventually they became friends. Eventually she tells him her story of what’s happening to her home like, he asked her to be, that he would protect her. To be his girlfriend and shily whatever but he keeps doing it and sweet talk in her ear and one day he tells her why don’t you come live with me in Peru and what other options does this little girl have like, with as miserable as she is feeling because of the life that she has. She takes the offer. He sends her a ticket. He sends her $30 and she jumps on a plane and she leaves the aunt’s house and she goes to Peru. When she lands in Peru, he takes her shopping, these were very sexy clothes. When they arrive to the apartment there’s another another two girls there that were his girlfriends and he tells her what she needs to do in order for her to live with him and be his girlfriend and you know and he took her passport and her you know her documents away and she has to bring him a thousand dollars a night out of prostituting herself in the corners where he told her where the other girls were working to and I asked her, what were you charging to sleep with a man and she said $50 and she said if they’re foreigners sometimes I could charge 60 or 70 you know and so these girl sleeping from between 20 to 25 men every single night and there were some nights that she didn’t bring home the money and this is the sad part he beat her so bad that she was hospitalized and a girl like this where did she go to? Who does she turn to? Who can she ask for help? He was a better option for her than her going back to her family that treated her the way that they did. This girl was rescued because we had previously gone to Ecuador and she happened you guys attacked the traffickers so by the time that we rescued her it was her third time that she was in a hospital and because she was tagged we the feds were able to pick her up and put her in the safe house but her story is one of millions of stories of things that happened to children because they don’t live in an environment at home where they’re supported, where they’re loved, like where they have somebody to confide in somebody you know she just loves her mother she has no family her her uncle’s raping her and her auntie whether she you know cuz a lot of times this this is true a lot of times they do know a lot of times the mothers know that the fathers are raping the daughters and they’re too scared to do anything about it and you know we have case after case after case with the the father’s raping and beating the wife and they’re doing it to the kids. they’re doing it to the boys to the girls to everybody and they have nowhere to go because we don’t have a system that has places where these kids can go to heal and the places that do exist unfortunately most of them don’t have the right healing programs. Most of them, the kids get to be there up to 6 months. What are you going to do in six months when you don’t even have a specialist that’s treating this trauma and these are the things that I know that we’re going to change along with an army of people that we are joining forces with. I know that we’re going to change this but I want to talk about this because I want people to understand that this is happening in so many places and it’s happening here in the states. Just the other girl the other day when we were driving to Miami the lady that approached us. It happened to her and it’s happening to her daughter then they went to the law and nothing was done and so if our government and our governmental institutions aren’t going to do something about it. we can, if we all get together I know we can, I know we can join forces and do this. Everybody can give a little something to everybody and so later we’ll get into this but so. We rescued her and she’s healing. She was there for a while they let her go you know six months go they let her go and I’m following up with Isabel I’m asking her and in one of the calls she says, she left I said, Oh why oh her time’s up you know but she’s doing much better and I was like oh okay good you know I always check up with Isabel how are things doing I call back a few months later no she actually reached out to me she goes hey guess what Carmen showed up to my door. She’s pregnant and I said, “what happened? She said she has a boyfriend but I don’t think so. I think she’s back out. back out on the streets and she was back out on the streets and she’s pregnant now what is the life of this child going to be and she was sick, she actually had to take her to the hospital and we helped with those through the foundation to get her the care she needed but this is something that’s generational what kind of life is this child going to have. They go back into prostitution because they’re not healed, they don’t have anywhere to go to, they don’t have any skills you know, they don’t have any support, economical or even emotional that they can go to and they end up prostituting themselves, they end up back doing drugs or becoming alcoholics or they end up with a pimp and now this time they looked for the pimp. So they’re telling themselves, I’m no good cuz I got rescued and I got out and now I’m in by choice and the self-esteem that they have and the way that they think of themselves and the lack of self-love that they have because they’re not healed brings them back on the streets and brings them back to doing the very thing that they were rescued from and you can’t blame her, like most of the women that are out prostituting themselves, if they’re not being trafficked or if they’re not being controlled they don’t know anything better and they’re so wounded. That’s the best that they think that they can do but it takes just somebody caring and giving them the tools. If we give them the tools they’ll make the other choice, they won’t go back on the streets. If you teach them a skill, you give them the opportunity to have a job or to make something on themselves I assure you that none of them would choose to be on the streets selling their bodies. They don’t want that, they really don’t and that’s where we all have to come together and figure out how we can all help. What can we all do to make a difference because it doesn’t have to be one person that changes this, together if we all contribute to helping all these humans heal from the trauma that they have been to they’ll heal.
Paul Hutchinson [00:30:59]
And in addition to healing that trauma is as bad as we can sit here and just hate her uncle. Right? I mean what a horrible situation, here she was 10 years old being brought in by this aunt and uncle and he’s raping her and we can sit here and say okay that Uncle should go to prison and yes he should right he needs to the laws need to change they need to be in favor of helping these children and making it easy for them to witness and put these guys away but in addition to that from a pure compassionate standpoint, is it possible for us to help him before he ever rapes her? Right? After he’s already crossed that line. You know what, he’s wasting my oxygen. let him heal but let him heal in a place where he’s not going to hurt children anymore but what if, what if we could go back and I’m betting, I’m betting that horrific man, as we would call him was raping that 10-year-old girl. I’m betting he was traumatized as a child. He was probably 7, 8 years old, some 15 year old or 35 year old or whatever else did some very damaging things to him and damaged him emotionally and physically to the point where he grew up angry, he grew up hateful, he grew up wanting to inflict harm on others because he was carrying that pain inside and so as humanity, to fix this problem as a whole, yes we need to heal the K of the world. Those little girls, Those little boys and we need to rescue them, we need to pull them out of that horrible situation, we need to give them the skills they need so that they can live a normal life and not go back to that prostitution but in addition to that we need to find all the others that are like them that would grow up to be a person like her uncle if not given the love, the help, the healing that they need. The solution to all of this is healing, to all of it, it’s helping her to heal, it’s helping. Probably she has a cousin somewhere that was probably abused by that same man right? That is a male cousin, that hasn’t even talked about it at all, nobody even knows and he’s growing up and he’s got that pain and he’s now 22 years old and he’s got a girlfriend and he acts out of anger once in a while and abuses her and hits her, why? Because he was abused as a child when that man hit him. Right, this cycle of abuse has to stop and the only way we really stop it is figuring out how to help people heal, giving them the tools and the modalities that they need to release that trauma, to realize that that doesn’t define them anymore, that’s the only way, the only way to fix this problem. And I’m so grateful that that’s your full-time focus, is in identifying ways to help these victims heal and we don’t even like to call them victims. We like to call them Victors. We got that from Joseph. He was on the show with us. He has this Victor camp that trains these people who were victims to be Victors and to move forward and to live a life of freedom. Freedom from those chains of abuse, those chains of addiction, those chains of anger and hatred and fear and all of that crap that they’re holding on to because of what they’ve been through in the past.
Hada Vanessa [00:35:60]
Yeah and who knows if her father also went through some type of trauma because there’s a reason why he was an alcoholic. Usually people end up with addictions because of some unhealed childhood trauma. So who knows? Then the father and then the daughter and who knows what’s going to happen. Hopefully we can help Carmen heal. Right now we’re in the process so that her daughter doesn’t have to go through the things that Carmen went through but we have to do this worldwide. There’s so many of us that live with traumas that we bury thinking that it’s going to go away because we bury them because we don’t say anything and what it does is it marinates inside of you and and that burden that you have in there comes out, we don’t realize it but we only operate consciously 5% of the time is our conscience operating the 95% of the time that we’re making decisions and we’re doing things we’re doing it out of our subconscious level and that’s where our traumas live, that’s where our emotional, hardships and traumas live on so we might snap so often and not know why and we might make decisions that are not for our higher best or for children’s higher best, for anybody’s higher best and we don’t realize that’s where it’s coming from. I’m sure that addiction to alcohol is coming from somewhere and who knows, it’s kind of like the movie that we saw the other day the Shaq and they killed his daughter you know and he was living with the trauma of poisoning his stepfather or his father and in the movie they show his father was also abused as a child and therefore it made him be an alcoholic and abuse the mother and the child and then the child poisons him and then it’s like God where were you and God you know God is walking us through every step that we take but the universe is duality and there’s no light without darkness you know and there’s no good without evil. And so we need to understand that even though God’s walking with us the devil’s also trying to do his work you know he’s also poking us, so we have to take responsibility and an accountability for the things that we do and if we have patterns that we go through years and things that we do that are not for our higher selves is our responsibility to sit down and say why? Why does this trigger me? Why do I do this? Sometimes we’re like I can’t believe I shouldn’t have done that and we regret some of the actions that we take or getting too upset at something where’s that anger coming from maybe it’s something hidden in there that you haven’t you know released, that you haven’t healed, that you haven’t paid attention to and see what it is and then bring it up and then let it go. All of us have traumas inside of us but it’s up to us to be conscious and be responsible and to take that accountability to look within and say, you know what, I don’t want to be this person and do something about it because when you have traumas and you raise children and you have partners those traumas come out in the way that you have your relationship with your partners and your children so it’s with yourself. when we get into alcohol addictions, when we get into drug addiction, when we’re beating up our kids, our partners, we’re being irresponsible at work, we’re you know doing things that are irresponsible and that are hurting others, there’s a place where that’s coming from and there’s a reason and so let’s be more aware of our actions and pay attention to them because they gradually grow when you don’t pay attention to them and not only that, your children diseases don’t transfer from one person to the other like they say oh cancer runs in your family and in your DNA it’s not that way but emotions do. So let’s be very careful because our children will carry those negative emotions that we don’t heal.
Paul Hutchinson [00:39:40]
Yeah. Absolutely back to Ecuador, you know you did a wonderful job in helping Carmen move forward through some of her trauma and you’re continuing to help her and a lot of the others down there. As part of that I did a number of undercover rescue missions in Ecuador and we took some teams down there. Identified a bunch of different trafficking organizations and unlike the operations we did early on, our goal was to show the operations to the world right. The homeland security agent that I was working with, he wanted to tell the story on every one of them and in order for him to tell the story since he was already on TV Etc, We had operators that were on the ground finding the children. I was there with a lot of them and we would put together these sting operations in which they would come in then with the cameras and he would tell the stories of them but we had to bring the children to this rescue place and whatnot. It was a little bit more dangerous and in some cases it may or may not have added to the problem, that’s a whole other conversation. As time progressed with the Child Liberation Foundation we realized that a more effective way to do it was to work with the agents of that country and us go in and because we were Americans we could easily make friends with the traffickers because they would come out of the woodwork and offer us things, like they would normal Americans but then we would identify where they were holding the children and geotag that location or if they did bring the children out, just to introduce us. Have the federal agents tag their car whatnot so we could find out where they’re being held and then once we left the country, then the agents would go in the federal agents of that country and they would do the sting. They would rescue the kids, we would send you and the team in to do some follow up Etc. And so that’s how a lot of those operations went. So their opportunity for you so for many years Vanessa would say I want to go undercover. And my answer was this, I said, “sweetie until you can beat me in Krav Maga, you’re not going undercover.” Right, and so can you beat me?
Hada Vanessa [00:42:20]
And then I smoked you one day. No but I did get the chance, had to go cuz you had nobody speak in English and you needed to go in. When the feds called you and I was like “thank you.” Well you were having a hard time finding an excuse.
Paul Hutchinson [0042:39]
So, the federal agents called and they said, “Hey Paul, we’ve had six different trafficking rings that we infiltrated and we’d already taken down three of those six and there were a couple others we needed to take down and one of them was a Madam. This Madam was selling children to the Chinese. She didn’t speak any English. She spoke Spanish and Chinese and she was what we call a level two right. So she’s a pimp. She manages a bunch of women. She sells women, she’s a trafficker selling women and she has access to the children. She wasn’t actually holding the children herself and so the feds wanted us to identify what I call a level three, that was her supplier. We needed to find out where she was getting the children so that we could do the sting to rescue those children Etc. The problem was most traffickers in Latin America because they’re selling children to Americans, they speak English. She wasn’t selling children to Americans, she was selling them to Chinese. I needed to find a translator so Jimmy, who usually does a lot of stuff with me, speaks fluent Spanish, is fantastic undercover, has done a whole bunch of operations. He couldn’t go that week, he was there some other things he already had scheduled, this was the only time that the feds could have somebody come. So I’m thinking okay, I need to go down, I need a translator that I can trust now here’s the other part of it, I can hand The Madam, she’s not that dangerous right she’s not like a typical trafficker that’s going to you know be carrying guns or whatever else and her supplier, her supplier was a [ __ ] right, and so I’m thinking all right I can handle a [ __ ] and a Madam with my left hand right, This isn’t that dangerous and I need somebody who can go down. And your movie, your movie, the one where you’re an assassin kills an assassin that came out like the very next week. So this would be like the last chance before your face started really getting out there right. So I said, “sweetie I need to take a translator. I think this might work but I had to come up with an idea, how do I convince these traffickers that I’m bringing a beautiful woman with me to be my translator, how am I going to tell that story?
Hada Vanessa [00:45:25]
And I say, you just picked up a hoe in Colombia.
Paul Hutchinson [00:45:31]
A hoe in Colombia, I said I’m not texting that.
Hada Vanessa [00:45:41]
I’ll text it, give me that.
Paul Hutchinson [00:45:41]
I gave her the phone, she’s texting him, she’s like, “Hey, I’m gonna be down, we’re gonna set up this party for my buddy and whatnot, I’m bringing my translator, she’s a hoe, I picked up in Columbia.” So you went down as my hoe and we sent them some money. I wanted to make sure that they knew that I was serious, so I said to The Madam, “listen my boss is needing me to verify that you have what you say, you have I need, I said my boss will kill me and my whole family if I taste the candy but I need to verify you have the candy, my boss is going to fly down or everything else so you need to introduce me to whoever you’re getting the kids from. In fact here’s what I’ll do, I’m going to pay you $500 for the introduction, I’ll send you $500 if you introduce me to the person that you’re getting these kids from and so because she had already told us it was this [ __ ] so then she gets me the contact information of the [ __ ]. I send another 500 to the [ __ ] saying listen, this will show you that I’m serious, I’m going to be coming down. I need to verify that you have what my boss is looking for and so the TR said, okay, yeah I’ll introduce you to all these kids etc. So we flew down there. We land, we have what, two days. before we had to fly to Canada.
Hada Vaness [00:47:04]
Yeah, it was two or three days. I don’t remember it.
Paul Hutchinson [00:47:06]
because we had to fly to Canada for your
Hada Vanessa [00:47:08]
That’s right, yeah, that’s why the urgency. That’s for the Toronto Film Festival.
Paul Hutchinson [00:47:14]
The film festival. That’s what it’s called. So we back up a second, rough there. We had to be there for two days. Maximum two days because we had to fly to Canada for
Hada Vanessa [00:47:29]
Oh for La Soga, for the movie premiere of the movie. They were screening it in the Toronto Film Festival.
Paul Hutchinson [00:47:34]
So your movie was coming out on the big screen, and after that I wasn’t comfortable at all with you showing your face and these things. And so we had a couple days down there and then so we fly in. The [ __ ], no answer.
Hada Vanessa [00:47:49]
Nothing. crickets
Paul Hutchinson [00:47:50]
Hada Vanessa [00:47:52]
When we finally got a hold of the Madam, she told us the [ __ ] had sold the children to another guy the night before and he had beat up the children and actually slashed one of them in the face and that was to them it’s messed up to say but it damaged the product. Now she can’t sell it for as much so she got upset and showed up to this guy’s house with a bunch of other people and guns and so the people that had been buying the kids called the cops and then the [ __ ] got arrested but then when we got in touch with the Madame she was like, oh don’t worry she’ll be out in a couple days. She knows the cops’ corruption.
Paul Hutchinson [00:48:35]
But the problem is we couldn’t wait two days.
Hada Vanessa [00:48:38]
Yeah exactly. I told Pablo I was like, even me I was like, I’m looking at him like who is this guy? Pablo’s the sweetest guy.
Paul Hutchinson [00:48:51]
Paul Hutchinson’s nice, Paul Stone’s an [ __ ] right. So I text The Madam I’m like, what do you mean? She’s like, she got detained. What do you mean she got detained? “Oh she rented out one of these kids and somebody beat her up and slashed her face and now she’s arrested but she’ll get out in a couple days.” And I’m like, okay, but I don’t have a couple days and we need to verify that she has the kids. I mean we had the federal agents there, they were all waiting to be able for this sting and it was dead. Now I knew she had other suppliers. I knew she had some others and because I’ve been doing this for a long time, 10 years. I know that these traffickers have multiple suppliers of getting their kids. So I said to her, here’s the deal I said, my boss needs me to verify you have some kids. ‘Oh you have to wait.” “I don’t have a couple days.” I said here’s what I’m going to do, I need the $500 back that I paid you because I paid you to introduce me to your supplier and your supplier isn’t accessible. Oh no I don’t have that right now, you can’t have it. I said, “No, not only that I want the $500 that I sent the [ __ ] right, I want my thousand dollars back, I know where you live because I did and I’m coming to get it.” And she said “Oh no no no no.” “What? I said, are you going to introduce me to somebody?” Yes yes I have another supplier. I knew she did. So she said she texts back, she goes okay meet me at this restaurant at 2 o’clock, so we show up at this restaurant. Now she’s shaking right,
Hada Vanessa [00:50:28]
She is nervous. We show up at this restaurant and she’s shaking, she’s nervous. She pulled me into the bathroom shortly after we got there, the traffickers hadn’t arrived yet. She said, come with me and I was like, sure and she as soon as we get to the bathroom she looks at me and she’s like look, I’m a sex worker just like you okay and she’s like, do you know this guy? Do you know him well? Like is he interpole? What do you know about him? And I told her, “Yeah I’ve worked with him a few times, I know about him, if you give him what he wants he pays you well.” And we were in the bathroom for a while. She takes out the coke, she sniffs and she’s like, you want some? And I’m like, “Oh it’s a little bit early.” And she goes, “Oh I had this for breakfast and I was like 8:00 a.m. and we’re in the bathroom and she’s talking to me she’s like, hold on and then she takes out her phone and she makes a phone call and she’s FaceTiming somebody and then I realized she’s calling her son, he looked maybe between three and five, he was little and she starts singing happy birthday to him and she wants me to sing Happy Birthday to the kid because it’s his birthday, we’re at the restaurant, she’s singing happy birthday to her kid. She’s trying to sell us children out the table and inside of me I’m like, what the is going on here. You know and we were in the bathroom for a long time. She was really nervous and she just kept yapping yapping and yapping.
Paul Hutchinson [00:52:06]
And we found out later why, she was new for us, we’ll tell you in a second. I was worried about her, she’s my wife.
Hada Vanessa [00:52:12]
We were in the bathroom for like 10 minutes.
Paul Hutchinson [00:51:14]
In the bathroom with a trafficker. I’m like, okay now I don’t feel good about this.
Hada Vanessa [00:52:17]
Yeah and I felt that we were taking long.
Paul Hutchinson [00:52:22]
You can handle yourself.
Hada Vanessa [00:52:25]
I wasn’t scared at any moment but it did cross my mind that we were there a long time and you’re going to wonder what’s going on and all of a sudden the door bursts open. He opens up the door like with a blast and he goes, you guys partying without me?
Paul Hutchinson [00:52:44]
That’s me. I walk in the bathroom. boom. You guys aren’t partying without me? Are you?
Hada Vanessa [00:52:50]
And I knew you were wondering what the heck is going on, it’s taking so long and I was like, “Oh no, ever we come out and then shortly after
Paul Hutchinson [00:52:59]
Her supplier shows up. Now this is why she was nervous, this is why she was shaking. her other supplier wasn’t another Madam or it wasn’t another [ __ ] it was a cartel. Right, these guys were bad dudes and they brought security that was armed yeah they had armed security with guns and everything. Now, you know it’s illegal to have guns down there, not if you’re the cartel. Right,
Hada Vanessa [00:53:24]
You can do whatever you want.
Paul Hutchinson [00:53:25]
Yeah and these guys brought nine victims little girls they were trafficked from Venezuela.
Hada Vanessa [00:53:35]
And they set the little virgin right next to you and so this is the scenario. This is us in the table Pablo and two other, I don’t know if we can say their names, two other operators that are with us, the madams, the traffickers, the ladies that were hosting the children in their house and the nine girls and then there’s another ring that’s watching us which is the cartel security armed watching the table and then there’s a third ring that is the Feds watching the cartel security armed guys that are watching us.
Paul Hutchinson [00:54:15]
They were already pre set up in the restaurant. There were multiple undercover federal officers that were there eating lunch just watching what was going on and they were watching the cartel security who was watching the cartel guys who were there with us at the center place and then they sent some guys out and tagged their cars.
Hada Vanessa [00:54:34]
Yeah yeah I mean, I don’t want to get ahead of it but they ended up being 24 years and five months in jail, should have been life in jail but you know 25 years in prison is more than what they do in the US.
Paul Hutchinson [00:54:49]
They tag the cars and then after we’re out of the country, boom. They go in and they do the thing.
Hada Vanessa [00:54:56]
Do you want to talk a little bit about the situation of these girls and where they were from?
Paul Hutchinson [00:55:02]
Super sad as well, you know, we think about trafficking, it comes from all different reasons, you know. We talked about Carmen and how she was in a broken family and her mother had die and her father was an alcoholic and her uncle was was raping her and then she was a perfect candidate for the traffickers that take her and now she’s earned all this money for the traffickers, she’s getting beaten up. Horrible story. Happens a lot. Right? Broken families, runaways, foster care programs, it happens a lot. The other thing that is very very common with trafficking is in situations like Haiti, where there’s an earthquake and traffickers will come in and there’s so much confusion, they don’t know who’s alive and who’s dead and they’ll take this opportunity to take these kids and bring them into trafficking and another one is in political upheaval like what you’re seeing in Venezuela, you’ve got massive amounts of poverty. In fact why don’t you tell them some of these girls, some of them were being trafficked and these men were earning money selling these girls for sex. These children, for sex however some of the girls that were a little bit older were 16, 17 years old and they were coming back and forth from Venezuela and why? What was happening in Venezuela?
Hada Vanessa [00:56:25]
Yeah. One of them, I said, “How long have you been in Ecuador? and there were two sisters that were twins and then the little virgin that sat next to you, that the trafficker said, “why don’t you go try her in the bathroom?” That was their cousin. And one of them said, “oh I’ve been here four years with the older girls and the other one goes, “I’ve been coming and going.” And I was like, “what do you mean coming and going? So I started investigating that and she goes, “yeah I’ve been coming and going for the past four years.” And I said, “why do you keep coming back?” She goes, “well, you know you can make better money here.”
Paul Hutchinson [00:57:00]
This is after the traffickers are taking like 90% of what
Hada Vanessa [00:57:03]
Oh yeah. They’re taking most of it, they get a little bit but they are making so much less money in Venezuela that it’s worth it for them to come and make money and then go back. So I asked her, “what do you know? What’s the situation?” She goes “oh with the situation there, you know I keep coming to make some money and then I go back.” And I say, “well, what’s the situation there?” And she explained to me, “Well, in Venezuela you’re not allowed to work full-time even if you want to, you have to work one week, take one week off, and you make.” I think she said, you make somewhere like $5 a week or yeah it was like $5, whether a week or a month. She goes, “but then when you go to the supermarket, if you buy a dozen eggs it costs you $5, so you know we can’t make enough to sustain ourselves.” So I’m thinking to myself holy [ __ ], you know, like these were beautiful girls and they didn’t seem like they weren’t ghetto. They were decent poor girls and poverty has taken them to the point that they have to sell their body so that they can put food on the table. So they were coming to Ecuador to make some money so that they can help their family sustain themselves and to me that was super sad because the 13 year old, she’s a virgin, obviously the cousins brought her to make some money in Ecuador. What kind of life is this 13-year-old going to have and it’s crazy to think these girls if they had an opportunity to go to school, I’m sure they have dreams, I’m sure that if it wasn’t for the situation that they’re going through they would not choose to come to Ecuador and sell their bodies for money while the trafficker making most of it you know. So many situations, every single kid has a harsh situation and you come to think about it and you’re like, there are enough resources in the world for everyone to feed themselves in a decent way. There’s no reason why those sweet girls should have been there. And the saddest part is that, to them they’re happy to be able to help their families.
Paul Hutchins [00:59:37]
You saw that with a 10-year-old in Thailand. She was the most able to make the most money to support the family. She was 10. They were selling her for sex. She had older brothers, mother, she had a father but she was the one that was responsible for putting food on the table by selling her body. What kind of a world do we live in where that is even a thing? And it comes from two sides, it’s the demand side, exactly who would pay to sleep with a little girl. Why don’t you take your money and your energy and figure out how to create value in that area? Create a job opportunity for that family. Instead of just satisfying your carnal lustful evil desires on this child. We have to fix the demand side but at the same time poverty is a big part of this. It’s a big part of especially in these countries and we need to get together and you’re exactly right. We live in a world of massive abundance. There are enough resources where every single person on this planet could be fed every single day. We could eradicate poverty, We could eradicate hunger, child hunger, We could eradicate child trafficking if we all decided to use that same energy and that same money that we’re putting out towards harming people, destroying lives and instead put it into something healthy. You think about how much money is being put into wars, trillions of dollars so that we can kill each other. It is unbelievable how much money is being put into destroying other people’s lives. You know and you look at the situation in Venezuela and you see that all over the world, where you’ve got abject corruption. Haiti had more corruption everywhere. I could not believe how corrupt and you can look into it, you can look into how much money has been fed into Haiti through all of these charity organizations over the last 10-20 years. Where did it go?
Hada Vanessa [01:02:05]
And let’s not go too far. Why are there so many thousands of homeless people in this country? with the amount of money we make. We have the same amount of corruption as Haiti. We just hid it better but we have the same amount of corruption here you know. I mean we have the same amount of corruption.
Paul Hutchinson [01:02:28]
It’s easy for us to see the corruption in Venezuela and the corruption in Haiti, it’s easy for us to see because it comes out in abject poverty. It’s easy for us to see the trafficking of the children that is there because we can go in and show up, guess what all of those things are worse here. All of them are. And if we’re supposed to be the shining example to the world, why are we the number one consumer and producer of child por[_]phy, literally I’ve heard it said tongue and cheek but it’s true and it’s sadly true that the favorite American P time is child [_] because it happens in almost every other home.
Hada Vanessa [01:03:09]
It happens more often than we know and we Hush Hush about it and we don’t talk about it and it’s not converse. This needs to start being conversations that we’re having at home, we as parents need to start having that relationship with our children, that if something happens to them, we should know. They live in our homes, if a child goes through sexual abuse and comes back home because most children that go through sexual abuse live at home, how do you not as a parent notice the change? There’s a big shift that happens in a child when they get sexually [_] we need to start learning what those signs are and learn how to help heal this and this is what we’re going to be doing, so that these children can start healing, hopefully we can prevent the whole thing altogether, you know and part of it is talking about your private parts and who should be taught touching them and not touching them and teach children how to say no and how to protect themselves and how to speak up when something does happen so that we can help get help sooner. I mean eradicating child trafficking has so many links that we have to work on before it ends up there and it starts with us at home. It starts with that relationship not only with our children but with ourselves, like before we start looking at anybody else and talking [ _ ] about anybody else we need to look at ourselves and say what am I doing? How am I living my life? How am I projecting my children and to my partners and to everyone that I have relationships with at work or my friends or my neighbors or whatever that is. And we have come across a lot of children that have been sexually abused and the way that we are teaching what sex is to our children doesn’t communicate with reality. We cannot be teaching our children that sex is a sin up until the moment you get married, one because you don’t just turn a switch on and then all of a sudden it’s okay to have sex, there needs to be a healthy way to educate children on what sex is and because there is so much sexual abuse that when a child gets taught that sex is a sin and they get abused and they don’t say anything about it because they don’t have that atmosphere to talk about it. The only thing they have in their head is sex is a sin and I’m a sinner, even if they didn’t look for that because they were raped and now they’re you know living with that burden inside of them that they’re sinners sinners sinners and like I said this is another whole entire podcast but there’s a lot of things that we need to address just in our everyday lives and how we live it that are big factors that can help eradicate trafficking.
Paul Hutchinson[01:06:24]
And to fix the child abuse as a whole and it starts with education, you’re exactly right. Unfortunately a lot of parents don’t feel comfortable talking to their kids about these things. So many people are like “Oh Do I take my kids to see “The sound of Freedom?” Yes you should. Why? So you can have some conversations with them about what that looks like because unfortunately we live in a world where those kind of things are a reality and if we bury them if we don’t talk about them then they become pervasively worse.
Hada Vanessa [01:07:01]
Yeah and somebody else is talking about them to them. The media is teaching sex to children. Now you watch cartoons and they’re talking about bisexual and transgender and it’s okay if you don’t feel like a girl, if you want to feel like a dog it’s okay. No it’s not. What the [ __ ] yeah what the heck is going on here.
Paul Hutchinson [01:07:22]
Yeah. So you know we’re going to wrap up this one. I’m super super grateful for these last six years with you and many many more moving forward. Our undercover rescue mission in Ecuador was one of the last ones that we did and because we realized that to really eradicate child trafficking. We needed to do more than just undercover. Now recognize that we’re still doing a lot of work with other foundations. You can go to liberatechildren.org and get some more information about all the things that Vanessa is putting together. A lot of the projects that we do, other foundations that we help support. We have guys that are still doing rescue missions that are still out there, we had some guys in the Middle East just recently with all of the crap going on in Gaza and some of the displacement of families and some children going on there, we had some over in Ukraine recently, we’ve had have sting operations all the time happening here in the US with some of our teams that we’re supporting that take down pedophile rings and save the children that would be abused through those rings and getting those guys off the street. a lot of good things that we can talk about. You want to leave the audience with any final thoughts?
Hada Vanessa [01:08:53]
Yes yes yes. As we are building our Child Liberation new approach to trafficking, we have a program that’s called the get involved program, if anyone that is watching this is an influencer has a lot of followers you know has a podcast or media you’re an actor or actress, you have a big reach, we have a global ambassador program, if you’re interested to sign up, why? because we need to teach people and educate them. We need awareness, we need more people to know that this is happening, we have a healing hands program if you are a children psychiatrist, psychologist you work with childhood trauma, we also welcome and you want to provide your services. We do background checks on everybody, so just know that. If you are a company that wants to help fund some of the programs that we’re putting together, or some of the projects that we’re putting together, please contact us. We welcome, if you’re a foundation that also helps children with sexual abuse trauma, we like to team up with other people that are in alignment and that are fighting the same evil. In alignment with helping children or helping adults heal, the sexual trauma. So we have a lot of programs. Please check us out and get involved. Follow us on Instagram @ liberateachild or liberatechildren on Facebook. Thank you, I love you.
Paul Hutchinson[01:10:34]
Thank you for joining us on the Liberating Humanity podcast. My name is Paul Hutchinson, this time we’ve been here with my beautiful wife Hada Vanessa Hutchinson. We just got married a few months ago and she’s the executive director of the Child Liberation Foundation. If you enjoyed this episode and you want to hear more and hear more from us, please subscribe and share this with your family and friends. Thank you for joining us today.