About the Podcast
With an unwavering commitment to breaking the chains of trauma in our society, Joseph’s story is a testament to resilience and the incredible power of the human spirit.
You’ll be blown away by the behind the scenes of the sound of freedom movie, the Colombia mission that Joseph was an undercover operative for. He recounts a story that will truly move you into action against child traffickers.
Join us on an extraordinary voyage as Joseph unveils his riveting experiences of infiltrating perilous situations, complemented by his profound mission to mend the scars of past wounds in adults scarred by trauma.
As we unravel the deep truths about trauma and the profound significance of unveiling its shackles, Joseph’s journey will leave an indelible mark on your heart.
Together, let’s embark on a quest for a world where tranquility and unity reign supreme.
Tune in as this is an encounter with Joseph Gleed that’s destined to reshape your perspective.
See our resources here.
00:00:02 I’m Paul Hutchinson welcome back to the liberating Humanity podcast I’m super excited about today so one of my dearest friends in the world somebody that literally I trust my life with more than anybody anybody is Joseph Glee Joseph was my crop trainer for me for the last what almost 10 years now and and his heart is huge his ability to do undercover rescues is better than anybody I’ve ever worked with in fact I’ve done more undercover operations with Joseph than any one person super excited for this today and we’re going
00:00:47 to be talking not just about the Ops but more importantly Joseph’s training before doing the Ops wasn’t just in in Krav Maga and hand-to-hand combat his training was in Psychology and we’re going to be talking about the mental health and some of the challenges that some of these families go through helping the children heal and things that we can do to truly liberate Humanity thank you Joseph for coming in today it was my pleasure to be here my friend super excited so you know quick background Cartagena operation the one
00:01:22 that the sound of Freedom was was uh based on well it was really based on a few different operations different things that we did together so so uh I remember the very first day that I met the first traffickers of my whole life was at that restaurant out there on the beach and I get I pull in with a bunch of of uh a couple Navy Seals that are in this armored car you were already there you had done some pre-op stuff and met with some of those traffickers before we even showed up yeah so I was uh Colombia
00:01:58 Colombia was interesting that was my first operation as you know um you know interesting back story to be honest you know I was unaware of how big the problem was um and Tim you know was was looking for for training because the type of work as you know that we do requires us to go into places that you know we don’t have we don’t have backup we’re not going to other countries and they’re giving us guns you know this is just not like the movies right um like we portray in the sound you know that doesn’t happen even if we’re law
00:02:29 enforcement most countries don’t give us guns and so um it’s a it’s a very dangerous place to be right you’re dealing with people who you know if they find out who you are you’re dead you’re as simple as that and it’ll be that fast and so um Tim came looking for for training for himself and for his guys prior to the Cartagena takedown and so um Tim started training with me to get this and and I ended up training a lot of the team and and some of the people are going to go down and be you know witnesses to come back and tell the
00:03:01 world what was going on and so I was training a lot of those people as well um prior to the op and then it was you know Tim I saw something and invited me to participate and wanted me to be security uh more than that you know I ended up being by Tim side the whole time you know through that operation um and so you know the first trafficker I met in Cartagena was at that that restaurant um and it was Fuego yeah um and such a surreal meeting before you go Fuego had he was one of the darkest from a soul standpoint of
00:03:38 all of them you know I remember at the takedown itself when when the the children were being brought in from the boat and he was sitting there talking to one of he was standing there watching them talking to one of the operators and the stuff coming out of his mouth about what things he had done to those children and what things he was excited for for the for the party was dark yeah he was he was a dark individual and I remember meeting him on the pier and it was it was Tim and I um you know they went and met him you
00:04:08 know I was there I was there security so I don’t overstate my role Tim was lead and he was talking to him and I was there security and I speak enough Spanish to get myself in trouble when needed you know and uh but man I’ve never that meeting I’ll never forget it was like it was yesterday right to see just that that pure evil you know coming out of somebody who enjoyed it so much yeah yeah you know I I remember when we were sitting that very first meeting and and uh across from the table and he leans forward
00:04:39 and he said Pablo I have a gift for you I said really what’s your gift and he shows me his phone and there’s a picture of that 11 year old girl on the phone that they called he said this is Princess she’s still a virgin we just took delivery summon you know that little girl in the movie that um they called Princess that the one that we were looking after we actually named her Rocio in the movie um the inspiration of that character and the movie came from him showing me that picture in fact in the movie I’m
00:05:12 convinced to go on the operation because my driver gives me this picture of this little girl this 11 year old girl in reality I was already there I was face to face with the traffickers already and and seeing that picture of that child galvanized my commitment to help with whatever they needed to make that happen and and you know the movie has this story of these children being brought into this um this fake modeling agency type thing um I remember Kelly was there Kelly was the girl working together with Samuel
00:05:49 who was they were running this this fake modeling agency and this thing that Disturbed me about her now I wasn’t my Spanish sucks way worse than even yours I I speak enough to get arrested and uh but so this part of the conversation was was with the translator there but I remember when we said hey you know bring the extra virgins to the party we needed to we need to get them out you know if we can if you can get a child out before they are ever raped the first time that’s a that’s a miracle and
00:06:21 so that’s a miracle just because you know then you have to deal with all of that extra trauma and Fuego had said something that made me realize he had more more virgins and I asked hey you need to bring those in and he said no they’re too expensive and I’m like you know are you kidding me I’m paying 25 Grand I was pissed right well then she objected and and I and I thought that’s super interesting she doesn’t want them to come and I thought for a second and the some of the other operators thought
00:06:46 that maybe she had a heart maybe she was you know feeling some compassion and we asked her you know why she goes oh they’re they’re not ready yet we have to have to show them pornography we have to have him witness live sex acts we have to desensitize them otherwise they’ll they’ll cry she said uh we’re gonna have to give them drugs so they don’t cry but if you don’t mind if they cry then we’ll bring them and I I thought you know what this there was no compassion there whatsoever it was just worried that we would be
00:07:16 concerned that they cry you know and so you know they bring these 54 children to that and um and you’re right we were talking earlier before the show how a lot of them not only in Latin America but right here in America they got babysitters involved they got parents involved you know they’re not always you know taken from their families and being brought into these trafficking is very different and uh yes the things that happen on the movie really happen but walk me through what you have seen in real life in terms
00:07:50 of what what trafficking looks like and and what things that parents can do in reality to keep their kids safe it’s interesting because we you know sitting through the movie um watching how we portray it there and of course we you know a lot of Liberty’s taken it’s a movie right um it’s not a documentary it’s meant to raise awareness uh but it’s you know that stuff happens right we go through that and you know we see that type of trafficking but we see a lot of though are kids that are being trafficked
00:08:26 um by their parents by their their aunts their uncles um they’re sisters right I mean there was uh you know one of the earlier cases I I did um in Mexico it was an aunt um trafficking her nieces right and they all lived together and they still went to school and so this would be one of those where like they’re going to school um you know they have an aunt taking care of them like if you didn’t know you wouldn’t know right if you didn’t know what to look for you would have no idea that this could be going on and this is
00:09:01 what it can look like um in the real world for the vast majority of trafficking cases right and we see this all the time when you and I would go out how many times did we go out and you know we hear from traffic we’re meeting with traffickers all day long right we work 18 plus hours a day it’s hard words yeah and uh they’re like no no they’re in school right now they got they don’t get out till you know 2 30. yeah you know and we’re waiting for these kids to get out of school well who in the world at the kids school can
00:09:32 figure out that they’re that they’re being trafficked so what who at the kids homes for what would a teacher look for what does a parent look for I mean what are the behaviors of a trafficked child versus somebody who’s in a healthy home I think you know what’s interesting is you said something earlier um about our Cartagena princess right um our beauty queen and that is you know she talked about desensitization and one of the things that traffickers do um and this is the case whether they’re you know they’re kidnapped or whether
00:10:04 it’s familial trafficking case but it’s it’s desensitization to get that minor to the point where you can start making money right they’re not crying as our beauty queen put it right and she’s what she’s explaining is what everybody tends to do they groom right and so what what’s the first thing you can look for are kids who are way too desensitized um to sexuality right who may be display overtly um sexual Tendencies at a mage that’s inappropriate right those things looking for kids who I think distance themselves because you
00:10:46 know when you experience trauma and if you’ve ever known anybody has experienced trauma in their life you know one of the things that we tend to do is distance ourselves this is our relationships right we start avoiding you know avoidance is is probably one of those the biggest coping mechanisms that we as humans use right and so we start avoiding things and so kids who are avoiding their friends the things that they enjoy doing um and I’ll give an example of um let me give you an example of uh a
00:11:17 kid that I’ve treated here locally because we talk about this in other countries and it’s so bad but we don’t talk about it a lot here what’s going on here and what we don’t realize is what’s going on here is terrible right is terrible one in three women will be sexually assaulted statistically in their life but what we also don’t talk about a lot is the unreported one and three so what does that give us around two and three women in the United States will be sexually assaulted at some point in their life
00:11:45 all right so let’s talk about you know a client that I hear Who as a teenager stop doing her schoolwork still went to school but getting school work done was not happening no longer hung out with best friends like people who live next door to them right the activities that this individual would do um for you know fulfillment and for fun um like music and some of those things they did Sports they no longer did they stopped doing you know things they’ve done their whole life and so you know these are a few things you can look for
00:12:17 and the better you know a child the easier it is to spot um but yeah the tendency towards sexuality that’s inappropriate for the age distancing um from friends from Family avoidance of things that they would normally like to do that they would if they’ve done in the past and you’ll just generally see an overall change you know when somebody experiences trauma you know we might be able to hide logically what’s going on in our head but trauma’s held physically and they just not go you know it’s not
00:12:48 going to hide that so there are signs you can you can pick out if you’re looking if you’re looking for them I tell people you know if you’re if you’re 12 13 14 year old daughter or even son is expressing those kind of changes in Behavior a lot of times unfortunately we say oh you know they’re they’re going through a hormone change right you know that’s that’s what’s going on is that you know hormonally they’re they’re just changing and yes that’s a time in our life where where these these young
00:13:18 children start going and experiencing some of these hormonal changes however it’s so so important that we have that relationship with our kids we can have those conversations I I tell people I say um you know they say okay we watch the movie We’re super you know motivated what do we do next you know the worst thing you can do is go be a Rambo in Latin America and go find kids you know that’s not going to fix the problem the best thing you can do is hug your kids no how does that how does that help
00:13:44 hugging my kids no the the children who are traffic who are actually taken from you know into these situations come from broken homes broken Foster program runaways you know challenges at home Etc the ones who are being groomed and and abused by a neighbor or whatever else those ones if you can have a relationship with your with your children to the point where they can come and say hey Mom hey Dad I I feel I feel uncomfortable when you guys make me hug Uncle Harry you know because of this or you know when I go over to this
00:14:15 friend’s house her her brother her brother touches me on my bum and you know whatever or you know my babysitter she’s she’s having us watch pornography and she tells us that we should trust her more than you you know these are all different types of grooming behaviors that you can catch if you have the relationship with your kids that that they can communicate those things with you but if you if the parent is an absentee parent it doesn’t have that relationship those kids are are primed for being groomed in these horrible
00:14:44 situations and you’re exactly right that the numbers are out of this world in fact one study I read said that the average age that somebody discloses that they were sexually abused as a child the average age is 52 years old that’s average you know that’s my age you know I’ve got grandkids right you know I’ve I’ve raised my kids I’ve I’ve worked my job and if if somebody is holding on to that trauma and some people never disclose it you know roughly over almost 50 percent of people who who do disclose
00:15:15 it it’s more than a year after it happens and they they say that half of them by the time you’re 50 years old have not even disclosed it yet is what the numbers were there and so so it’s like okay if if that’s the average age and we’re holding on to that trauma even not just saying okay how can we identify potential challenges with our kids but in ourselves in our spouse in you know I’ve I’ve had situations in relationships in my life where the majority of the relationship I had no idea that she had been sexually
00:15:56 abused by her own father right and and and shame on me for not having that level of ability to communicate with her but at the same time so many people just hold it inside and it comes out in anxiety and depression or and anger issues and things like that they say that that um two-thirds of people who deal with that kind of childhood trauma God bless them they’re able to to work through it and and and yes they’re dealing with anxiety depression Etc but they’re they’re never passing it on however
00:16:30 statistically one in every three people who deal with that as a child end up becoming a contact offender in some way either through verbal physical or or sexual abuse and so I know that um so you have a program that that helps with a lot of these things tell me a little bit more about your yeah for sure you know and just to touch base a little bit more on the kids and that I think you’re exactly right it’s you know having a relationship um where you can talk to your kids right and I just want to share a story
00:17:03 um about that in fact and maybe this will be helpful to parents maybe not I don’t know but you know my daughter’s 15. um and so you know we’ve been doing this work for over a decade so she you know she was young when I first started and you know um so many times that we were out in operations the one thing on my mind is my own kids right as I’m sure it was for you you know because of I think the work that I’ve done and the understanding that I have of what goes into that um you know I’ve I’ve always talked to
00:17:32 my kids and tried to to teach them um so that they understand about violence about you know what people are capable but also you know to understand people um to recognize that people go through hard things and that as well getting asked about the movie is it okay to take my daughter is it okay to take my daughter my daughter’s this age my daughter is that age which I’ve been asked a lot and generally my answer is I hope you can take your daughter right I just took my 15 year old daughter we had
00:18:03 the most amazing conversation about this why why was that because I prepared her to have this conversation her whole life this was not a shocked her right that this happens in the world is not a shock to my daughter and so we’re able to have real conversations in a way that she can understand it so that she’s safer and she can help make the world safer right but how did that happen it took years of teaching a little bit at a time preparing her a little bit at a time so by the time she’s 15 where she is a beautiful girl
00:18:44 who’s at just the right age to become as you and I very well know a victim right and um you know what I can hope for as a father is that I’ve prepared her enough that she’s confident enough sure hurt herself enough that she has an internal locus of control over her life and she’ll make the right choices right and see that coming and so I think it’s important for parents to build trust with your kids so you can have Frank conversations about what happens in the real world what kind of things do you
00:19:14 teach her to things that she can do to keep herself safe you know and we I remember you know I’ll do a little story and then you can delve into it you know when we were training a bunch of crap I remember telling you a story where I was I was in a dark parking lot ATM I mean there was nobody anywhere around and I was pulling some cash out and I was I was dressed in an eye suit and you know I was look like a Target I was dressed like a Target right and then a not too good area of town and this car drives up
00:19:43 and instead of just waiting in his car to come to the to the ATM he gets out and now this is a standalone one and he’s walking towards me in a way that felt very threatening to me like like he was coming with a gun a knife or whatever else and I thought okay there’s a high chance I could be a victim right here and and so I I I I took some of your training and and you know I could go into this whole Krav Maga thing with him but instead it was more about the energy I was portraying right and so I I
00:20:14 looked at him and I put my hands straight out and I said stop you know with with authority just like that just like that and he you know whether he was coming to attack me or not it was it was a shock for him that I was feeling very uncomfortable with with the the type of approach that he was making so you know with that in mind and some other things what what other things what do you teach your daughter what things can she do if if a 15 year old is listening to us right now what kind of things can they
00:20:40 do to keep themselves safe you know first and foremost you know I’ve been teaching self to real world self-defense for over 20 years when I say real world I mean we’re very honest about what happens in the real world this is in the real world is not pretty like things don’t work out well like all your techniques probably suck in the street right and that’s true for the vast majority of people and so I think that learning some real world again Frank conversation type self-defense is really important now why is that it’s it’s not
00:21:14 for the punches and kicks right and you learn this the experience you just related and this is what I found over 20 years of teaching this and studying psychology and you know being becoming and being a trauma therapist by accident you know I discovered that learning real self-defense when taught in a trauma-informed way is one of the most empowering things we as humans can do it builds confidence it builds inner strength and belief in oneself right it builds awareness it builds all these things all these life skills
00:21:55 that are so hard to pick up in other places right this builds it and there are some reasons for that you know we can talk about um you know the integration of Mind Body which is super important in especially learning things like confidence which is a skill right and something you can learn and improve on it’s a muscle right awareness something you can learn and improve on and increase and so you um by accident by just you know the nature of training self real self-defense and I mean real self not
00:22:29 not flowy beautiful crap but I mean real self-defense I always joke with people it’s not it’s not about your sense saying three points break to their head go home to your family yeah it’s our motto right it’s brick at home never brick smash them in the head and go home because that’s the way the real world is you know um but man it teaches so much more so what do I teach my daughter uh what do I teach my kids what have I what do I teach the adults who come to train with me um because again like you said you know
00:23:01 adult most people don’t acknowledge their trauma until their 50s they don’t acknowledge it you know and there’s trauma myself I haven’t acknowledged until recently you know so I get it you know I get it and so you have to teach everybody as though you know they’ve experienced trauma so when it’s done when that is taught in the right way where it’s growth promoting it is one of the most amazing tools you can you can use to build the type of things that you’re talking about me teaching my daughter you’re talking
00:23:36 about you displayed right you displayed awareness you displayed confidence and and on top of that you took a committed action when it was necessary because you pre-programmed those things ahead of time so what do we do what do we teach our kids you know especially when we talk about our daughters we talk about trafficking and that you know I would rather my daughter be blunt and almost rude when necessary then polite and become a victim right or have that be a bigger become a bigger chance of becoming a
00:24:10 victim right because they’re just trying to let somebody down easy like what do we teach our girls let them down easy turn the other cheek oh they’re just boys being boys or they’re just you know they’re just trying hard to ask girls out you know um when really they’re harassing the hell out of them or some you know and so you know it’s teaching our kids to be confident it’s teaching adults to be confident to stand up for yourself right to know that you’re worth it you’re worthwhile um but that’s the key to Healing as well
00:24:38 because what it all in what if so many kids say that we pull out of trafficking especially the ones that end up back on the street two hours later I didn’t know there was anything else or I didn’t think I was worth anything else yeah yeah that’s self-confidence is so important you know if you can I’ve always taught that the two greatest things that you can give to your children is is a healthy healthy self-esteem and and and a relationship with God those are the things I say you you know you because that gives them that extra you
00:25:17 know inner power Etc and so but that healthy self-esteem you know that’s something that how do how do parents get that I I tell them I tell them first of all your relationship with your spouse it it weighs heavily upon upon your children and if they see and you fight all the time that affects them number two have your kids do some mirror work right have them look in the mirror and say I love myself I love myself if I can’t start there start with I like myself and then kind of move into that and and and help them identify those
00:25:48 areas of themselves that they love in fact I I call it for myself I call it little wins right okay so so you know having having the confidence to do something big sometimes that comes from from being good to yourself when you’re doing something small right I’m talking so small like when I tie my shoe news in the morning now I don’t even have Ties on my shoes but when I tell you my time right whatever else I’m like good job Paul I’m 50 years old right yeah little little stupid things like that but it’s it’s
00:26:15 that positive self-talk all the time of hey I’m doing and and then you know when when when Tony Robbins says hey Paul come up on stage and you know here’s the microphone and for out in front of five ten thousand people I can rock it you know why because I tied my shoes that morning right it’s it’s it’s a matter of just that positive self-talk and there’s a lot of different things we could go on for hours on things that you can do to help your kids develop that healthy self-esteem but but you’re right that’s
00:26:41 that that’s they they’ve spoken with with pedophiles and with groomers and those traffickers many times and say okay what is it that you’re looking for and they’re looking for for for kids from broken homes or looking for kids with low self-esteem there there’s a very specific type of child that they look for when they’re when they’re identifying who they’re going to be grooming let’s not forget you know they’re looking at the adults around that child as well if if they’re really looking right because a lot of times it’s manipulating
00:27:12 the adults to get to the kids what’s interesting about what you’re saying is there’s so much science behind you know what you do every day the little things you do every day including talking to yourself you know you know it’s pretty clear the science is pretty clear that your mind neurobiologically speaking does not know the difference between you telling yourself something or me telling you something so you saying I suck is as bad as me saying you suck right but we don’t get that when somebody else says
00:27:43 it to us right it’s oh that hurts right then we say it to ourselves how many times a day like how many times a day do all of us do look at least the vast majority of us tell ourselves we suck even those with high self-esteem slip into this right and so there’s a lot to be said about those little positive moments it really is everyday little moments make up the big moments big moments don’t come without those little moments right they don’t come I I you know I like to think of this whole concept of how do we eradicate child
00:28:18 trafficking with with links in the chain there’s a lot of different foundations that that part of their logo is a broken chain you know we’ve seen this forever and the very end of that chain the very end link is the abuse of a child right we don’t even want to get close to that link right so we have to ask ourselves what are the other links in the chain and you know people are like you know High self-esteem positive self-talk how is that a link yeah that’s a link it might be way back here but it’s still a
00:28:45 link right you’re talking about yourself in the mirror your kids are going to learn how to talk crap about themselves and and that’s a link in the chain all the way down you know there’s other links in the chain like like uh like addictions to pornography now pretty much everybody listening to us right now has has viewed pornography just because you’ve seen pornography doesn’t mean you’re going to become a pedophile right but almost every one of these guys that we’ve arrested there have been part of these things had a
00:29:13 hardcore addiction at some point when when you when you when you get to the point where you take a a woman from a Divine famine into an object you start going down a dark Road and so you we have to have these conversations that the movie gets it to the point where now we can have these conversations you know around the dinner table et cetera what are the links in that chain that that contribute to that being in the end and there’s a lot of them there’s there’s arrogance there’s there’s low self-esteem you know it’s amazing how
00:29:44 many people have got have got massive ego arrogance and low self-esteem at the same same time right those that’s a pretty destructive cause it’s a mask for the other right yeah exactly it’s a destructive combination where now now you’re you’re you’re doing things that are really creating a negative impact in the lives of other people and so you know as we’re as we’re looking at those is there other other potential links in that chain that if they were broken early enough that it could it could have
00:30:12 a dramatically different effect on the end yeah you know there really are I’d like to talk about it from the perspective of the chain though and um the daily activities we can do so you asked about you know a course that we do now right and we um my my wife and I um as you know Brittany is an amazing uh individual uh Highly Educated PhD uh educator education specialist Advocate um we’ve created uh what’s called what we call operation Brave and operation Brave the point of operation Brave Israelis
00:30:53 prevention and it’s recovery all right because look like you I’ve seen that the work that we did going undercover needs to be done it has to be done but you know we’re pulling and we pull a lot of kids out because we’re pulling 20 kids out at a time right we’re not one or two words like but we’re probably 20 to 50 to 100 kids out right and so that work needs to be done but look the prevention preventing this from happening would definitely be the goal right and you know one of the big things we’re missing is recovery
00:31:31 um and you know I I look at it this way from my own experience from what I’ve seen visiting kids year after we save them or in treating people here locally that I treat as a trauma therapist what I know for a reality is that the vast majority of them are not doing well mentally um you know there’s lots of of help out there to provide shelter and education and we’ll get them clothes and food and all those lower Maslow needs right um but the higher means are just not being met real well and part of that is
00:32:06 I think a lack of Education and Training on therapists and social workers to understand how to work with trauma and part of is just resources right um but what’s interesting and what we’re doing is we know that we you know the same things that help people heal are the things that also help prevent this from happening and reduce the chances significantly you mentioned studies there’s a there’s a very famous study um in fact I just wrote a Blog article or mentioned this study but it’s about uh victim Choice
00:32:40 um as relates to an individual’s gait or how they carry themselves right and this is this is an older study very well known in the self-defense Community Law Enforcement but essentially what they did is they studied inmates who had you know committed crimes against persons and they’ve showed them all the video you know people going about their daily life let’s say I’m simplifying it a lot but people going about their daily lives and essentially ask them you know who would you pick and why and they all look
00:33:08 they all pick the same people like they’re not together so it’s not a group think thing right but they all pick the same people and you know what we found what they found was you know they’re picking people they don’t look confident they’re not aware they’re looking down or you know you’re not sure of themselves right how they how you carry yourself how you carry yourself is the first line of self-defense worse so and I’ve done this for years like we’re so caught up in the punches and kickers kicks of self-defense it’s
00:33:42 not even the first line all right how you carry yourself as the first line what’s the second line using your words right trying to get out of the situation not having to use any punches or kicks at all but what do we focus on we focus on punches and kicks you know what do we focus on for our kids we focus on PE you know we do fire drills was last time a child died in a school fire right when was the last high school shooting or school shooting but we don’t talk to our kids about is two it’s too
00:34:13 much right well it’s too much until it’s not it’s too much until they experience it I was so I was talking to one of our um one of our trainers that did uh blade training and edged weapons training and and uh improvised weapons and he said he said by the time it gets to the point where you’re using these skills you’ve missed 90 of the opportunity to avoid the confrontation he says situational awareness how you’re carrying yourself these are all so important and we miss most of it you know we’re all okay we’re
00:34:45 gonna go to the gym and learn how to punch no your situation if and you you told me this so many times in in self-defense he said you would say Paul that you you you win every fight you don’t have to get into you know if you can walk away you know if you can get out of it before you have to have Hands-On don’t be don’t be coming in with this huge Pride hey I know how to fight I can deal with this if we can de-escalate the situation or if you can have situational awareness these are all super important things in in terms of
00:35:13 prevention so what do we need to teach people we how to defend themselves so they’re confident in standing up for themselves yeah they’re they’re confident in how they walk they walk away you see how all these other things come with that but there’s a way in which you teach it right and so for us we have like we have a course called the Victor course um and we have a Victor’s women a victory men’s course who’s originally developed for women I’ve worked with women over 20 years that have been victims of violence uh and helping them
00:35:42 regain their sense of strength and confidence and ability to live their daily life in a way um that’s meaningful to them right and so we created the Victor course and and we kind of um between you know my partner Brittany and I over the last few years we kind of have refined this where it’s a course that’s made for victims of of we’ll say trauma right victims of violence or things like that so women have been raped stalked um domestic violence interpersonal violence you know all of those things
00:36:17 and we don’t put a a cap on what is traumatic for people if somebody’s experienced trauma we accept that person in their in their experiences and the course uses um real world self-defense uses Krav Maga based self-defense along with psychoeducation and therapeutic techniques to teach not just the self-defense aspect which naturally brings a lot of these life skills with it but we’re we’re teaching people more specifically about the life skills and how to apply those in your life right um and is is the Victor course part of
00:36:54 operation Brave it is yes that’s an operation Brave course um and it’s a course depending on the course sometimes we even take insurance for it so insurance will pay for it um and a lot of times I do that in in conjunction with people who really need it I do it in conjunction with individual therapy as well so you know overcoming trauma and you know for discussing that you know it really is about integration of Mind and Body um why does talk therapy not work why do so many people spend years you know
00:37:23 going to therapists not to get any results because they’re just in there talking about they’re not they’re not dealing with what their body is remembering for them right and if you don’t you’re not going to get through it man I can testify to that personally like if you don’t deal with what’s held in your body if you don’t deal with the trauma here like it’s not it’s not going to be dealt with it’s going to come out when you when it’s the worst time possible right and so we have to have an integration of
00:37:50 Mind and Body um if you listen to you know those like vessel Vander kolk is one of the foremost experts wrote the body keeps the score which I think is probably the Bible of trauma treatment these days um you know talks about it incessantly you know the need to reconnect mind and body if you’re only doing one you’re missing half the work and so what we’ve done is you know take that understanding of trauma treatment of neurobiology of neuropsychology of physiology you know along with you know the
00:38:24 anecdotal knowledge we have from 20 years of doing this and frankly just stumbling over the fact that that training this in this way is just an um is just super effective right and so you know we take all those components together to teach people yes how to stay safe but how to overcome internally and you know mentally and physically what has happened to them you know what that trauma has brought to their life and so it’s about that but I want you to think about this again all the things we do to overcome trauma are
00:39:00 all the things we’d like to do to prevent trauma for instance yeah I mean it’s high self-esteem can be a negative as well yeah yeah as we saw like through the 80s you know the 80s psychology of everybody’s a winner you know um but yeah no having you know good self-esteem what does that mean it means having an eternal locus of control right I believe in myself and my ability to overcome the obstacles in front of me and so it’s not just believing in myself but more specifically it’s believing in my ability to get through this
00:39:41 feel right believing in my ability to get through this and this is what people have lost they’ve lost what’s that and again and you know that’s so fascinating Joseph how I I love how you put that that the same thing that some of the same techniques you use to get through the trauma are this are the things that you use to prevent it in the first place you know learning some of those those self-defense skills those life skills that confidence that that’s that’s that’s fascinating how you would get all
00:40:15 the aspects of that in that that um interacts with I mean in your own life you know we’ve never talked about this but I’m just curious you know how is the confidence that you’ve gained from not just learning real self-defense but putting it into work in the real world by going undercover in places you should not go yeah with the traffickers driving the van who are drunk and snorting coach take us to where they’re keeping the kids and we give them a tip for so we can geotag a location he takes the tip
00:40:52 and drives down this dark alley and gives some money to somebody to buy coke he’s like really dangerous place right now oh man one of the funniest one of the funniest traffickers we’ve ever told but yeah I mean but even for you like I can recount for me like the the many benefits of having that right yeah in the corporate world you know when I did a lot of work in real estate and construction like having that you know having just that confidence in myself you know the awareness the ability you know the ability to talk to people
00:41:27 didn’t have difficult conversations yeah right and this is I think when you talk about our kids you know one of the things I was talking about you know um you know fire drills and all that but we don’t teach our kids emotional regulation one thing that would be one of the most valuable lessons lesson subjects that we could teach our children when they’re young is emotional regulation and we don’t do it we leave it to parents right did you know how to teach that yeah exactly click on that have to teach your kids
00:42:01 so you know you know these are things that I think for adults and for kids that we can teach there are ways to teach them their ways to instill them in people um so they don’t become victims so that they are happy productive and living meaningful lives if they’ve encountered trauma so that they can overcome that trauma and regain that meaningful life right regain that sense of control there are things we can do but we’re not doing them a lot are are some of the things that you put together now you know you and I train face to
00:42:34 face for a long long time um a lot of the listeners don’t have the ability to come in here and have one-on-one time with you um how much of this stuff is available that if we if we put some links on the liberating Humanity website or on this interview and whatnot how many how many uh how much of this stuff is available for people could actually learn from home you have stuff in video and format that’s that’s remote yeah so we we have um a program called KO self-defense um it’s a crav online crav base covering up
00:43:05 based self-defense program um that we’re putting online and we have we have videos on there already um we’re revamping our programs to give people more of that in class experience and so here’s the thing with learning self-defense that you and I know because we’ve done it for a long time and that is that you can learn a technique and it means nothing putting that technique into a context that you might have to use it in and training under stress so that you can use that technique mean something all right knowing how to punch
00:43:34 a bag that’s not punching back is not going to be helpful when somebody’s trying to kill you right right and so you have to do that so we’re right now revamping and re-filming a lot of drills to go along with that to give people that experience of in a safe environment and you know wherever they’re at to to to have that type of training now does that supplant or replace in person training no I still suggest people get a partner or go visit a school even if it’s just occasionally and just get some some training with
00:44:06 other people there in front of you that are helping you out right what about the trauma trauma healing stuff you’ve dealt with this for so long and you’re um the things that you’ve learned and leading all of these undercover rescue missions have motivated you to to Really fix this problem not just by doing undercover now but you know providing other tools what what are their Tools in place right now that can have help people with trauma recovery what does that look like in your world you know absolutely there are and so we’ve
00:44:36 started the the Victor course in fact we have one coming up for women uh in about a month about three weeks in Layton Utah um and and is that like a two or three day is that a one day type thing or a particular Victor course is going to be a one day course it’ll be couple of three hour segments it’ll again include some physical training as well as educational training training on things like affect identification identifying emotions coping skills that you can use when you’re long or in a group as well as the
00:45:16 you know the life skills and physical self-defense skills so we go through all of that so we spend basically a day you know working to kick people’s recovery into high gear and get them on the right track right so we want to help people understand trauma when you understand it it doesn’t have as great as of an impact right so education is important um is it a classroom style sit down with the classrooms no no desks right it’s gonna be it’ll be like a like an open gym so because we will be doing physical
00:45:50 stuff as well as some sit-down educational stuff we’ll be doing breath work um some you know emotional regulation work yeah people discount some they’re like oh you know that’s you know the spiritual whatever on the side understanding how to regulate your emotions how to how to how to be able to get to a place of inner peace and and confidence and there’s some super powerful tools you know we’ve we’ve used breath work to help people we can get them into the Theta State without even the use of a lot of of guided meditation
00:46:28 you know plant medicine stuff that we have to do in Mexico whatever else you can do that with breath work it’s amazing that the uh the breakthroughs we’ve been able to see with people in in tools like that as well yeah and I I would say honestly like rounding um work you know and that is some of the most important work that we can do up front right is learning how to deal with what you know for a lot of people just overwhelming emotions right and you can’t really deal with those you can’t address those until you can look at them
00:46:59 without it being overwhelming and so it’s a huge part of initial recovery is you know is ensuring that right and so we take all these components and this is a day of honestly it’s a day of growth man it’s a day of growth um why do they call it Victor course you know I named it the Victor course and I call it the Victor course because I’m tired of seeing victims oh so it’s tied down seeing victims you know it’s kind of so it’s like the Victor I’m the Victor so it’s not like Victor like the name somebody named Victor it’s like being
00:47:34 Victorious right yeah there’s a lot of things in the Mental Health Community about you know do we call them a victim a Survivor uh this or that because like we talked about the words you use matter the words we use matter I’m a relational frame therapist and you know and that that means that the words that we use in our head and exterior like they matter to how we interpret the world right why is it the Victor course because screw being a victim like you don’t deserve to you didn’t deserve what happened so you
00:48:04 don’t deserve to be a victim stand up straighten your back and you’re a Victor you have it inside of you you have it in you to be the Victor not to be the Vic not just to be the Survivor I don’t want you just to be the Survivor screw that like no you be better you can be better you can be better than what you were before because you will learn from this experience if you put the work in to understanding it and integrating it within your life right it can become a powerful force for good I love that yeah
00:48:38 the bottom of the you know a victim to a survivor of Victor you know that’s just right there on the top here you’re you’re feeling that victory of moving through whatever it was that was holding you back that trauma of your past I love that and this is you know really stem I got to tell you from the work we’ve done together you know um and seeing these kids and you know just and you look at them and you just see the victimization in their eyes yeah like you can’t how do you get that out of your your your mind right you see
00:49:13 the darkness I think it was actually in the movie Tim talked about he looked into this girl’s eye or Batman hero looked in his eyes and the Darkness was him right yeah and to look into a child’s eyes and see that Darkness see that yeah that victim that’s just not right but look you were somebody’s child at some point too yeah right I was somebody’s child at some point too yeah you know we all deserve to live a life of peace you know I tell people that my my life mission has changed in the last few
00:49:51 years you know 10 years ago sitting there that Cartagena at that island and these these traffickers prayed out these children they brought out these four virgins scared to death I remember yeah this this little girl she um you know she was she was shaking she had tear stains on her makeup face and I I made a commitment to myself to God and to that little girl that I would do whatever I needed in my life to eradicate that evil from the face of the Earth and whatever resources I could put in whatever and I and and for 10 years
00:50:30 you know my role was to help rescue a 10 year old from the clutches of a trafficker in in Ecuador right or whatever country um I now feel like my role is to take those experiences and help rescue the 10 year old inside of every 20 30 40 year old man or woman who most of us dealt with some stuff if you didn’t then wow what a beautiful lucky amazing life that you’ve lived but but as you pointed out um you know statistically almost half of all women at some time in their life report that they were sexually abused
00:51:10 well statistically a lot of them don’t even report it right and for men that the number is lower but it’s also significantly lower the number that report it because they’re they’re dealing with this shame and guilt and feeling in some way that what happened to them defines them in any way right you were eight You Were Ten you were 12. it doesn’t Define who you are you know every single cell in our body is New Right within a couple years all your regular sales I think your bones are the longest one it takes 7 and years to
00:51:44 replace every cell so your entire physical body is brand new it’s it’s what we’re holding on to that that is bringing us down and if we can if we can help people release that and release that that the things that happen to them and the things that they did you know I I am not the same person today that I was 10 years ago not at all you know that was Paul effin Hutchinson there was a reason why I was recruited to come and play the role of the rich Playboy that because it was that attitude that arrogance that whatever that the
00:52:20 traffickers were looking for right I’ve I’ve received some amazing personal Transformations and working in this this child rescue work and transformation of my heart and my my you know my trauma wasn’t induced by childhood stuff my trauma was self-induced right I’d build a multi-billion dollar company you know I could have whatever parties I wanted to you know it was it was an unhealthy world that I was dealing with a lot of crap and I had to I had to get to the point where I realized you know what
00:52:51 this this version of me is hurting myself and hurting others and what do I need to do to and and that’s that’s we all have to look at yes is this version of me hurting myself and others and what do I need to do to release that so that I can be a man in my case a man of integrity in business and in that right in all of these areas of my life and and truly learn to lead from the heart in a way where I could make a powerful positive impact in the lives of others but that could only start with me fixing
00:53:29 what was here absolutely yeah yeah I know and I you know I could Echo the same thing right the last 10 years I think for you know when you experience pure evil like pure evil it’s it changes you yeah like it changes you you know and um you know a lot of people don’t know you know we we became best friends with these guys we did we were we were hugging the traffickers they had to totally trust us in order for them to take us to where they were keeping the kids I mean yeah think about that so you know how did we
00:54:06 get in with these kids and I thought about this a lot lately especially you know you and I had a lot of success together and um you know people asking what would you do what was your job and you know my main job security and that’s what I did but that wasn’t my job that was my job my job was secure job was to make sure I don’t die yeah make sure you don’t you’re freaking amazing at what you do right you are honestly the best undercover guy I’ve worked with um but that wasn’t it that wasn’t my job
00:54:34 what was my job my job was get these fat guys to trust us right you know I was that guy you were the talker right but they weren’t going to trust us just based off what you said yeah they never were right that’s why it took takes so long to get an operation together right if we’re gonna get 20 kids how much do they have to trust us because they don’t trust you a little bit they won’t bring you one kid they’ll bring you a 20 year old yeah exactly right but there’s a lot of trust that has that goes into to doing that
00:55:07 and you know so we got to know we got to spend time and I don’t even like talking about this man we got to spend time with pure evil yeah all right and we got to sit just like this and have beers and hang out we got pictures of you and my me with the KFC sign in the back and there’s two traffickers there that are there you know a few days later we’re gonna end up in prison for life exactly so what so why do we do what we do now you know I love it I love seeing what you’re doing now you know I love seeing what
00:55:37 some of our other teammates are doing now and I couldn’t be happier there are things I could do to make money and you know here’s the money’s one of the biggest problems right um but doing what I love doing something that has an impact you know if you want to heal yourself also have an impact on other people right get up and do something don’t talk about it don’t be a keyboard Warrior right don’t sit on your couch eating chips talking about how the quarterback could have done better getting the damn
00:56:04 Arena yeah and do something right get in the arena and do something well I will say this Joseph um you know I learned a long time ago that if you can if you’re trading your time for money you know you’ve got a limit right there if you can create things that you can duplicate and you know we’ve had we’ve had over 45 million views of my videos in the last three months 45 million so there’s a lot of people right there’s a lot of people that are that are saying wow you know there’s there there’s there’s something
00:56:38 that resonates and it’s not because I’m any good at it you know I’m good talker you know The Travelers right but but I will say that that the movie is helping people wake up and say okay what’s next what’s next people will leave this film with a what’s next attitude right I’m very interested very very and we’ve talked about this for a long time I’m very interested in figuring out how to take your brilliance and everything that you’ve done and take that Brilliance and be able to put it in a place where where
00:57:10 millions of people can have access to what I did you changed my life you changed my life you changed mine brother I’m telling I’m telling you straight out I I um the the confidence that I gained from training with you your complete and total face zero fear in the most dangerous places in the world because we were doing the right thing and because we both had some training you a heck of a lot more than me you know and doing so not for I mean you and I had no social media nothing for 10 years and we weren’t doing it for
00:57:50 anything other than those children and it was it was we were going into the pit of Health seeing the darkest depravity of of humanity for the purpose of helping to rescue children that would never know that we were even the good guys never did right they didn’t you know they couldn’t because it would be almost traumatizing for them to later you know see us coming back with the Aftercare people and whatever because we were the ones that were you know but and having some super strict protocol in place
00:58:23 where you and I were never in a situation that was compromising our our our more moral principles right it was it was so life-changing for me to be working with somebody with such impeccable integrity and and have pure pure unwavering conviction and faith that things were going to be okay and we’re going to be safe and we were going to find the kids it was it was transformational and and I I want I would love to have more of these with you because I need the world to fill your heart to see I mean this
00:59:06 conversation has been absolutely amazing and and and the man that you are the the the the passion that you have for taking your your background in cycle I mean this how many how many self-defense guys at your level have a background in Psychology that you have it you’re an amazing combination of being able to truly give the skills to parents to keep themselves self-safe keep their kids safe to help with that trauma healing you’ve been there and and I’m I just want you to know how much I love and respect you for the man that you are
00:59:43 in the time that we’ve spent together over the last decade well thank you my friend I love and respect you as well and I appreciate the kind words and and honestly it’s you know it was never never did this work for any other reason than the kids and um so you had an experience on operation triple take in Cartagena I had one as well that led me to this this work um I mentioned that and I’ll just I’ll tell this briefly but um you know there’s a reason why I’ve dedicated myself to this type of work to
01:00:17 working with people here in the U.S in aftercare um to trauma to healing and to prevention right you know I went with Tim it was Tim and I went and picked up the kids the movie that you know as you’re aware it doesn’t show how the kids got to the island historically accurate how the kids got to the island um was Tim and I went and picked him up at the Port of Cartagena to Ferry them to the island on two boats that were essentially two buses right it was my job to load all these kids to search them
01:00:53 search traffickers and make sure they didn’t have weapons in their little purses so yeah and then it was again my job to escort them back um well at least on one boat to escorted back on the other boat so Tim had one I had one and we’re driving back and it’s about a 45 minute drive from the port where we picked them up to the island where we’re holding um the takedown the party right and I’m sitting in the back of the boat so I can see everything see everybody and the kids are just they’re just talking
01:01:24 what’s interesting the first off is that they’re all drunk and high they were all given alcohol and drugs before they came and part of the 45 minute delay they were crying for more like many many children were you know I had the the opportunity to be in and out of that that room as I do security on the island well I was around the table with you you know I was there when they brought the virgins in but they were crying anyways we’re faring them over on this boat and they’re all there talking they’re all you know drunk and high and
01:01:56 you know it’s the noisy chatter like you’d expect here on a bus all of a sudden um one of the little bit older kids he might have been 14 15. um got up in front and told everybody quiet down immediately everyone quieted down immediately now we have 54 kids um I think I had the bigger boat maybe about half but maybe a few more on mine not much but so you’re talking about you know 20 plus kids that immediately shut up have you ever seen 20 kids immediately just stop talking um so that was first it was a little
01:02:36 like that’s odd um and then he pulls his arms and he bows his head is this on the way to on the way to the island wow we just picked him up at the port and this is I’m not even sure Tim knows this story to be honest with you um this is something I I kept pretty close to my heart so he bows his head holds his arms and he starts praying he’s praying in Spanish um but I speak enough and so I’m he’s praying for not just himself he’s praying for all the kids like here’s somebody here’s you know 14 15 year old boy
01:03:15 he knows what’s going to happen and he is aware enough and has enough love in his heart in the middle of being transported to where he’s going to be raped he says a prayer not just for himself not God please help me get out of this no for everybody and it wasn’t until later you know we always we learn through debriefing right it’s hard to learn in the moment sometimes and it wasn’t until later I realized you know one this was not the first time these kids had done that how do I know that because when he asked
01:03:55 him to quiet down it was a media you know I’ve taught kids for 20 years like 20 kids do not stop talking that fast right so this was not the first time they’d done this they knew what was going on they knew what he was about to do and they knew what was coming up for them and to see these kids in that condition praying like that it just it it broke my heart like I just can’t imagine allowing people to go through that I can’t imagine sitting on the sidelines and allowing that to happen and what’s changed today is I’m
01:04:36 not okay sitting on the sidelines and letting people like you or me or anybody else go through their trauma by themselves with nobody there willing to stand up and say a prayer with them right nobody willing to to enter that arena with them and say yeah this is this is hard right it wasn’t just the kids there it was everybody here that’s going through that hard crap that doesn’t have the people who understand that or know what to do next to them sometimes people look take a look at what’s happening with
01:05:17 trafficking and they’re like oh there’s proof that God doesn’t exist you know God yeah and they they use it as a reason or a justification to to lose their trust in God um I remember on that operation that first time that I met the traffickers two weeks before we were there at the restaurant I exchanged contact information with one of them his name was Eduardo he was the one who had the piece of property wanted to develop into the prop into the the sex hotel for trafficking the children and he was a
01:05:48 little Polo wearing yeah the polo he’s you know he’s dressed like this little businessman all the time all those people anyway he was I still have those texts that he sent to me during that two weeks I was staying in touch with him making sure that he was bringing all the inventory that he had you know all the children and uh one of the texts he sent me was him in his car driving he’s sitting there smiling he’s got a three-year-old his three-year-old daughter in his back seat this guy was selling
01:06:18 children he had about 14 that he was selling his children that that and he had his daughter and then he sends me this text after that picture he says this is me my daughter me says he said God God sent you to me because now I can buy you know once we have this sex Resort I can buy Ferraris and stuff for my little daughter now most traffickers end up trafficking their own children right later right he wasn’t trafficking her yet at three and I thought to myself you’re right God did send me right and all these other
01:06:47 guys so we can make sure that that three-year-old is never ever sold for sex like you’re doing these other kids it was it was fascinating to me how many how many of these guys were were in some dark and twisted way they were you know some of them were a freaking cross I’m like you’re living your life in a way that is very different so many War crosses yeah so many very different than what Christ taught you know and so so as we as we take a step back and we we understand that you know the one thing
01:07:22 that God never takes away is Free Will right and and that makes things super messy right yeah God God doesn’t just say well I’m taking away your free will you’re out you’re out you’re out you’re out you know yeah I guess the flood he just says I’m done with all of this crap right but but the the reality is we have to go through life and if if those if those things hadn’t happened then I wouldn’t have seen that Darkness firsthand and put all of my time and my resources into eradicating that problem
01:07:58 and helping to liberate Humanity you know there’s there’s there there has to be that polarity and and and I’m so grateful for all the good men and women who are who are good I mean that help push the movie out in this movement as a whole now this should never be a political issue this should never be a religious issue right this is about the kids but but it is important for us to acknowledge whether whether somebody calls God you know Jesus or or or or the universe or Heavenly Father it doesn’t matter right God is there’s I’ve
01:08:40 seen this in every single one of our rescue missions every single one of them wherein it wasn’t just logic and protocol it was it was being led it I have seen the power of God in identifying the kids and the rescue and the the whole process in a beautiful beautiful way and I think that that’s it’s it’s it’s an important piece of the puzzle that people shy away from I don’t want to have that God talk I don’t want to get all religious you know I I told my operators in in one of these ones as a new group that was there
01:09:12 it was later on in in Haiti and and I told him listen guys this isn’t a religious conversation but before we get started I need you to understand that I believe in God most people believe in a Supreme Being some people call them this or that or whatever else God exists and cares about more about these children than you and I ever could and knows exactly where they are so if you’re okay with it I’m going to start out by asking for some help we take off our hats at downtown patientville Porter Prince Haiti the
01:09:40 darkest most Voodoo infested place on the planet you know and offer up a prayer and then learn to listen you know and so anyway that said what a beautiful story thank you oh thank you for sharing that you know that’s a story that I’ve held on so tightly or so many of these stories because I’ve always lived in the background doing these things you know and it was my pleasure to live in the background I cared nothing about you know the publicity or the popularity I cared only about going and doing work
01:10:11 that saved kids I care about doing things that matter right and you know that’s I think we’re both fat and it’s really awesome to see because I got you know I’ve seen your transformation over a decade I’ve seen you know what you’ve gone through personally and professionally and as a cover operative I think we’ve seen that with each other you know we’ve we’ve been so tightly interwound and and that’s what we need yeah that’s what we need we need men like you to stand up and say hey this there’s this
01:10:44 stuff is going on in the world and it’s not just about the child trafficking you know that’s one thing but we have an epidemic here in the U.S yeah we do we do in every one of our homes you you would walk out your front door you look left you look right statistically one in every four homes is a dangerous place for children right and in terms of the number of of children that are affected in some way and it’s only coming out now right with guys like Sean Reyes you know as the Attorney General in Utah who you know takes a
01:11:14 stand on track why because he’s seen how horrendous it is firsthand right we just need more we need more of those people you know the other thing we need um you know when I look at trafficking and I look at trauma this type of trauma I see two ends of the spectrum um you you have the perpetrator you know the Johns right usually Americans right uh we’re one of the biggest consumers and we look at Latin America we did most of our work we are large consumers um there’s a reason why guys like us could go do that work guys that look
01:11:49 like us you know here in the U.S you know we have people who are being abused or experiencing domestic violence interpersonal violence at rates that are just insane you know our murder rate is going down but if you look at technology medical technology um there’s a good reason for it right we’re saving more people the aggravated assault rate the attempted rape yeah and all those are way up there right there’s more we can do there’s more we we can do than what we’re doing and we need to turn the conversation on to you know how
01:12:26 can people live in peace how can people walk in peace all right what what would happen and think you know even like little things what if we taught our kids emotional regulation what if we taught them confidence when they were young yeah those kind of things should be taught in the schools so if we’re going to prevent it yeah we need to work on we need to work on building men we need to work on creating communities that are strong internally right but we also need to work on the other end which is you know why do kids
01:13:00 and families get caught up in this why do families traffic their own kids their own family members money yeah it’s money it’s poverty poverty poverty on the kids side is what drives their abduction and their abuse yeah it’s poverty yeah pornography you know affecting you know how the demand side is raised men in this country the toxic Mass you can be a man without being toxic right yeah um you know but the toxic masculinity like it’s we have to deal with that on one end right and on the other end we
01:13:38 have to deal with the poverty of it but we can again we can extend that like if we really look at it how many people in today’s Society here where we’re at let’s say the U.S how many can afford good trauma treatment how many seek it out how many even believe that it’ll be helpful yeah you know what I mean yeah and so we’re not we’re not helping those people who live next door to us and one of my goals is everybody deserves to walk in peace right everybody you’re not you don’t have to be the product of what happened to you as a
01:14:13 child or when you were 20 or last year right we can you can overcome that trauma PTSD is not a life sentence right it’s one thing people don’t understand about PTSD whether it’s traffic kids or adults because it doesn’t have to be life sentence you know you can learn to integrate trauma the vast majority of people experience trauma don’t they don’t then experience PTSD so what does that tell you there’s there’s hope yeah there’s hope and what’s sad is we have a lot of our veterans that come back and they get
01:14:42 diagnosed and is stamped on their record for Life they’re they’re disabled vet with PTSD no it’s not your life sentence yeah no it’s it’s not and you know what’s worse is you know I am a vet I know what the treatment’s like at the VA um and I don’t want to say it’s bad and in fact if yay like you know over the years has become better at you know getting more to the Forefront like I’ve had acupuncture at the VA for pain right um so they’re they’re stepping out but it’s not the best and in fact good
01:15:13 trauma Specialists are hard to come by you know I’m a trauma specialist I have a couple of openings for individual therapy that’s it right that’s it you know um I just had a client who’s been wait you know just started who’s been waiting for like a year to get started and it just so happens I have you know a couple open right now and so he’s like again so it’s hard it’s hard you know to get in but then when you have good Specialists financially financially even for our Victor course which is we need sponsors we need people
01:15:47 to sponsor individuals so they can attend the course why because as sucky as it is to hear and say most people can’t even afford that right now so they can’t afford the training or the the trauma treatment they need they can’t afford the the assets they need to recover from what’s happened to them so what do they do they carry it for and the problem that we’re working to solve is exasperated and self-perpetuating well I want to I want to help with that you know we’ve got an audiences growing we have uh you know we
01:16:21 have people that go to the child Liberation foundation liberatechildren.org and are donating there with a 501c3 type of a thing um we can look at how we might be able to work with that but there are people that are just contributing on liberating Humanity they can go right to the liberating Humanity website and and and we’re partnering with other groups that are providing these valuable services and people are asking you know what can we do how can we help you know there’s a lot we can do you don’t just have to
01:16:51 spend twenty five thousand dollars and go sponsor a Rescue Mission in Colombia this kind of stuff is as valuable or more it affects our own communities and there are so many people that need that help and so I’m gonna I’m gonna do some shout outs and and figure out how to how to help with that I really want to combine sources and resources in what we’re doing and and be able to to to you know match I’ll match some of the funds that are coming in that can that can help sponsor those so I think that’s
01:17:22 going to be exciting that would be great you know it I really appreciate that Paul and you you know the work you do um to raise funds and awareness has been instrumental in you know the fight against trafficking over the last decade and really appreciate that that’s one of the reasons they brought me on they figured okay Paul you raised you raised billions for Real Estate you can raise it a bunch of money for fighting trafficking and we did in the very beginning written a bunch that helped to get the
01:17:53 the foundation off the ground the one that we started with and now a bunch of others and and so you know this is something that everybody can do to help that’s that’s how we get to that place where all of us can live in peace we can you know I I it’s been prophesied for thousands of years in most religions it will get to the point where we’ll live in a thousand years apiece you know this Millennial whatever there’s there’s so many different we’re not getting God’s not going to come back and just flip his
01:18:20 fingers and have everybody be nice to each other right we’ve got to do that work to get get Humanity to the point where where we can have that level of peace every day in every area area and what’s amazing is that those those links in the chain that that ended up with what we saw that darkest part of humanity in in the the raping of a of a traffic child right those all of those other links we fix those we’re going to fix more than just that they’re linked to war they’re linked to domestic abuse
01:18:53 they’re linked to so many other challenges in our in our community in our life in this world that we can fix by backing that out you know I heard somebody say once uh just just recently talking about the little things we do every day to be of help to other people and he made the comment that you have to remember that that person is only what three steps away from from impacting a million people right from how many people they know to how many people they know to how many people they know and so every person
01:19:28 that we have a positive impact on has a positive impact on society it was take not harm you know the famous Buddhist monk um who talked about that often you know talked about you know every kind age you do to an individual is carried forward to every individual that person interacts with right yeah so it seems like such a daunting task but when you realize one it takes work we have to get off our butt and do something right you can’t talk about paying it forward you got to pay it forward it’s action
01:20:05 it’s action oriented we have to be action oriented um to do this work we can’t just talk about it we have to be we have to be action oriented but think about right you know I talked about that again that one person and reminded me of the movie as well the Pablo part right what got Pablo yeah says forget about the other 54. think about the one so when we talk about even like you know sponsoring one person to take the Victor course that is one starfish you’ve thrown back into the sea that’s grateful that is one
01:20:43 person that you you know you made a difference for but not only that that difference like is going to carry forward to hundreds of other people yeah right we need to and we can do better thank you for joining us on the liberating Humanity podcast and uh please share please click that like button and please comment it makes a big difference in the algorithms and helping this get this message out to more people so that we could truly not only eradicate child trafficking but we can liberate all of
01:21:20 humanity from all of this crap that’s holding us down so Joseph gleed I love you I respect you I love you brother thank you thank you thank you thank you