Uncovering Corruption: A daring Mission to Rescue Gardie in Haiti’s Jungle Region. LHP 11

About the Podcast

Welcome back to Liberating Humanity, the podcast dedicated to shedding light on the ongoing battle against child trafficking and the individuals working tirelessly to bring hope and liberation to its victims.

In this episode, host Paul Hutchinson delves into his experience in Haiti and The Dominican Republic, recounting his efforts to rescue a missing boy named Gardie from a treacherous jungle region. 

As he mourns the loss of a dedicated colleague, Paul reveals the challenges and dangers faced in the pursuit of eradicating child trafficking and the resilient spirit of those fighting for justice. 

Join us as we uncover the harrowing journey to find Gardie and the unwavering dedication to liberate humanity.


Paul Hutchinson [00:00:02]

Some of these traffickers will go and get some of these rest of it kids put them to work in some very horrible conditions and that’s what was happening in this jungle region between Haiti and Dominican Republic. We had some Intel that told us that there were drug lords in there and they were bringing in these kids. Some of them were purchased from other orphanages for the purpose of indentured servitude.

Paul Hutchinson [00:00:28]

Welcome to another episode of liberating Humanity. This is going to be a difficult one for me.  has some very beautiful beautiful things that happened and some very very sad things as well. My heart goes out to those people who have suffered loss because of this work in eradicating child trafficking. This episode is going to be called “The Jungle Story.”  You remember in The Sound of Freedom there was a story in the jungle at the very end where the guys went in dressed as doctors. I’m going to talk about where that came from and I’m going to highlight a man by the name of Jim. I honor all of the men and women who have put their lives in danger for the safety of the children. There are some operators who just showed up at the time that we did the rescue operation. We kept that pretty safe, this is where we would bring in influencers  or people who would be potential donors to come and actually see the rescue. That scenario is protected in every way that we can with us making sure that we have full control of the situation and if any weapons are there Etc. However, the most dangerous part of these operations is the pre op is identifying the traffickers  face to face with people selling children and even more dangerous than that is trying to climb the, (I don’t know if you call it the ladder) but climb that evil empire as high as you possibly can  to cut the head off the dragon. That’s really what needs to happen because if all we do is just take down a few trafficking rings here and there, we’re never ever going to fix the problem. Over the years, operators have gone in many different disguises. In fact, there have been a number of operations where the disguise was going in as a doctor because it allowed some of the operators to get in closer than they could any other way. We had a man on the inside working with a federal police named Jim. Jim was so sick and tired of the corruption. He was so tired of children being sold and powerful people doing nothing about it. In fact, when the four corrupt judges were identified as the ones that had let those traffickers go and those judges pinned it on the evil American that had gotten away. Jim said, “I don’t care if I lose my job, I don’t care if I lose my life, I’m going to clean up the abuse in our country. I’m going to find out how high this totem pole goes and I’m going to take them all down.” That was Jim’s commitment. On that first operation together with some other Intel we had identified the fact that there were a lot of children that had been brought from Haiti and also from the Dominican Republic and were brought into this jungle region, that was halfway between the two countries right on the border area and it was really remote. The closest police station was more than 10 hours away. You had to drive 5 hours on crappy dirt roads and then after driving for 5 hours then you needed to either hike or go on Horseback for another five hours just to get into this region. There’s a program in Haiti called the restavek program. This is where very very poor families. Knowing that they are not able to feed their own children, we’ll bring their children to this rest restavek house and in this house they are able to be legally sold to another family that is going to put them to work, have them help around the house, help around the garden Etc. and in exchange for these kids working they get three meals a day. Many times they’ll even be able to go get some schooling Etc. It’s a sad situation but it is what it is in Haiti and it’s the only way that some of these ultra poor families have any chance of keeping their kids alive and so unfortunately this restavek program is rough with challenges. One of which is the fact that a lot of the people that are coming in to buy these kids are not able to be vetted properly as a healthy home for the children. Some of them are, some of them it’s a good way for the kids to get an education to have three meals a day but some of these drug lords, some of these traffickers will go in and get some of these restavek kids put them to work in some very horrible conditions and that’s what was happening in this jungle region between Haiti and Dominican Republic. We had some Intel that told us that there were drug lords in there. Some guys that were milling, were growing drugs and they were bringing in these kids and some of them were runaways, some of them were from the restavek program,  some of them were purchased from other orphanages for the purpose of indentured servitude in these jungles. And our Intel told us that there was this little boy that we had been searching for a while that may be in this jungle area. It is one of the few places that we hadn’t ventured and the challenge was, this was a lawless area. I was concerned. At the very end of the Super Bowl Rescue Mission the federal agents that were there had arrested all the traffickers, arrested me and some of the other operators and one of them had felt down my pants pockets and found my passport that was in an inner pocket and pulled it out. He didn’t know I was a good guy and he put that passport on the evidence pile with a bunch of the other trafficker stuff. I’m laying there with zip ties on. I’m like that’s my real passport. I can’t really say anything. The traffickers are right there but then fast forward these corrupt judges let the traffickers go saying that the real bad guy wasn’t some random guy from the US. It wasn’t even Paul Stone, Paul Black, Paul Steel it was Paul Hutchinson, the real me because of the fact that my passport and a couple of the operators had been brought in to the evidence system. So I was concerned about going back in. In fact, I wasn’t there when we sent operators in to rearrest those traffickers, to take down those four corrupt judges Etc. But a few months later, the intel was pretty strong that this little boy was in this jungle region and Jim who had been following a bunch of these leads called me and he said Paul, he said, “We need you. We need you back here to help out with this.” and I said Jim, I said, “you know that just recently I was one of Hades Most Wanted technically.” He goes, “Now you’re Hades most protected.” I said, “That doesn’t make me feel good, you know. I don’t  trust the corruption there any more than you do.” and he said, “Okay,we’ll figure out something else.” And so they sent in a different team. Homeland security agents went in and a couple of the navy seals and whatnot. I wasn’t there. I was doing some operations in Mexico but the story came back that they tried to get into this jungle region. They drove five hours and they tried to get in. They were chased out with pitchforks and shotguns by some of the people that were there. Now whether those were drug lords, whether those were just the locals that weren’t excited about a bunch of big navy seal guys there and some former government officers and so the plan was, that we needed to set up a Health Care Clinic in this region and we sent him some scouts beforehand and  we told them, “Listen, there’s a chance that there’s some sicknesses going around.” They said, “There’s a doctor in the US who was going to sponsor this event and pay for 20  Haitian doctors.” There were really four Haitian doctors and about six Haitian doctors and 14 medical personnel. It was about 20 of them that all came together. And they were going to go the five hours driving from Port eu Prince into this region and then hike or maybe even find some other ways to get in. So we were trying to figure out how to get all of those people in there and  I didn’t want to come in from the Port eu Prince site. That would have been dangerous because it was Pretty pretty recent that we just took down that huge ring and I just wasn’t comfortable going in there. So what was decided is that I would come in from the Dominican side. Instead we looked at a bunch of maps and we identified that there were some roads that were in Google maps. You can see some roads that were coming in from the Dominican Republic site into this jungle region. I felt that would be a bit safer than just flying into Port eu Prince. So that’s what we did: we flew into the Dominican Republic. Jim met me there and I had a couple other operators that were there with me on that. One of them was named Shawn Waylan. Sean is a good man and just wanted, forever wanted to be a part of one of these missions. Now he’s been a part of a few of them but he flew in and myself another operator and Jim picked us up there at the airport. We got a rent a car and we drove to this jungle region. As we get to the border, the road got more and more difficult and it was almost impossible. As we were driving, a man riding a motorcycle came up to us and we had a four-wheel drive small SUV. He said, “There’s no way this vehicle’s going to get in there.” He said, “I don’t know what you’re thinking but there’s no way, you have to get motorcycles to do it.” So we’re like, “crap!” Now we only had a few hours to get in to this region because we needed to be there that afternoon for when the medical personnel came in from Port au Prince Haiti, there was also a helicopter that was going to come in with the former homeland security agent with Mike Tomlin and a bunch of other potential donors that were going to see it from there .They didn’t want to go in the hike, the long ways and  it was already set up that this was just a free clinic so we were hoping that everything was going to be safe but I needed to be there. And because the plan was for me to establish contact with them, with this free clinic and then be able to go back in a few weeks later with Jim and some other operators and follow up with whatever we found and so we go back down to the town we’re in Dominican we’re trying to figure out how to get some motorcycles. Found a little town that was fairly close. We went in, there was a little motorcycle shop thing. Asked them if we could rent, no they don’t rent anything but they sell them. We’re like crap. Where’s the need? It was like two hours away to be able to get to a bigger city where we could rent something. We thought okay, the only way that we’re going to make this work we’ve got to buy these motorcycles which kind of sucks but whatever it takes to figure out how to help rescue the kids. They wouldn’t take a card. We had to give them cash and I had some cash but not quite enough so I met an ATM just cashing out with each one of my cars getting as much cash as I could so we could buy a couple motorcycles and get in. Well, then Jim, our federal agent, gets a phone call  and this phone call was from one of the other High UPS in the government and they said, “Hey, I’m sorry but they’re actually closing down the border. There’s no way that you can get in.” The reason behind it is there was significant civil unrest that was now happening in Haiti. I believe the civil unrest was directly tied to those judges that were taken down and the bigger trafficking rings. As you remember a number of years ago, there was stories of tires burning in the street and a whole bunch of people that were just rebelling against the current government that was in place. Well it was a destabilization effort from a lot of the kingpins that were involved in trafficking and a bunch of the corruption and they were trying to create this civil unrest so that we couldn’t continue to climb this totem pole and figure out where all the trafficking was coming from. Well that civil unrest made it so that they were just done with the order area as well. And so they shut it down. We’re like crap. We’ve got to get in there. We’ve flown all the way here, everything is all set up and the only way that I can go back in subsequent visits with some of the operators is if I’m there when they’re doing that clinic thing. So we’re searching around and Jim said, “I have an option but it’s probably not going to be cheap.” we said, “well what’s that Jim? He said, “I have a friend here who is a helicopter pilot.” He said, Now, Technically, Legally we can’t just hop over the border but in this case I think it’s important enough that we can pull this off. And so we found a guy who is a friend of Jim’s, who is a helicopter pilot and he said, “Listen, I can fly from this Dominican City to this Dominican City on paper. This is what I’m going to do with the flight plans.” He said, We’re going to fly over that jungle region of Haiti as a sightseeing thing and I might just go low enough or you can jump out technically. So we’re like okay this is fun. Now, I had a satellite phone that was with me so we could call him when everything was done and get the ride back out. So we booked it from this Dominican City to that one with a little sightseeing tour and then from that one back to the original one back. This was set up on a phone call. This guy was at least an hour away from driving and we needed to be on that helicopter in half an hour. Well Shawn, Shawn is a rockstar. He’s driven a bunch of race cars and whatnot. He’s like, “can I drive?” So again, we’ve got a federal agent there with us and we’ve got a couple operators and Shawn. Shawn makes it in that half an hour. We get there just in time, the helicopter comes and picks us up and flies over this jungle region of Haiti. As we get in to this jungle region, there’s a bunch of the medical personnel that had just gotten there from Haiti and we met with them. We told them that some of the locals that we were there to help to pay for this Health Care Clinic. There’s a whole bunch of children that were in this area. We didn’t know which ones were trafficked, which ones were simply children of some of the drug lords that were there or even some of the locals that were in this area. Our Intel told us that this little boy that we were looking for was there. 

The primary focus of this mission was to identify a little boy named Gardy. He was taken when he was four years old. His dad was serving as a bishop in a congregation in the area and he was taken in front of the church house and they asked for a ransom. He paid that ransom, they asked for a bigger ransom after that one. He said, “I don’t have any more money.” And then lost contact with them and the boy was gone and many of the children. There’s been over 100 children that were rescued in Haiti. Just in the pursuit of this one little boy. In fact, one of the earlier rescue missions there was over 20 children that were were brought back to their families or taken out of some very horrible situations where they were being sold by these traffickers and this little boy Gardy wasn’t there and when his father Guesso was told the story, “Hey, you know what? We rescued these 20 plus kids but Gardy wasn’t one of them.” And he looked down and he was sad for a minute and then he looked up and he said, “You wouldn’t have come.” He said, ‘what? He said, “you wouldn’t have come if  my little boy hadn’t been taken. You wouldn’t have been here looking for him and those children would still be in slavery today.” He said, “If I have to lose my son so that those 20 plus children can have their freedom, that’s a burden I’m willing to bear.” How many of us would be willing to say something like that? He ended up taking a few of the kids that didn’t have homes and brought them into his own loving orphanage that he had been putting together. Well continuing forward, his little boy wasn’t at multiple rescue missions including the 34 children that we identified and rescued over Super Bowl Sunday. Intel told us there was a strong possibility that he had been taken into this jungle region and was being used by some of these drug lords to mill the drugs, to grow the drugs, to take them across the border Etc. And so this is why we were there and just trying to find him. As we landed in this jungle region, we got out and we met with some of the medical personnel. There were hundreds of kids in this area and one in particular was a little 13-year-old girl who had a baby of her own already. She had been impregnated by one of the either traffickers there or somebody there in this region. 

Jim was privately talking to some of these kids as we were keeping everybody else separate we were working with some of the medical personnel that were there, they were taking nasal swabs, they were testing DNA on some of the kids, they were taking temperature and things like that of the kids and Jim is was privately talking to a few of these other children that were there. One of them was this little girl that was 13 with her own little baby and Jim privately showed her a picture of Gardy. Now realize, Gardy was only four years old when this picture was taken and he was a few years older now. He showed her this picture and he said, “Have you seen this boy?” And her face lit up and she goes, “Oh yes, we know him.” He said, “His name is Gardy.” She goes, “No, no his name is not guardi, we call him Ali.” Which would make sense if he was taking up four and trying to explain his name and he was talking to people that Gardi – Ali sounds pretty similar and so she says,” we call him Ali.” she said, “he’s much older now but he still looks the same. He was here in this area with all of us but he was taken. He was taken to another region.” She pointed up into the mountainous area. She said, “he was taken up there.” This was our first proof of life of Gardy in years. In looking for him we had followed a bunch of leads but this was the proof that he was still alive. The fact that she was so confident that she knew him and that he was there and that they called him Ali. All of the clues lined up that this little boy was still alive and so we finished up this and there was some fanfare going on with the former agent that was there with a bunch of cameras and stuff. They wouldn’t hike into this region. They wouldn’t even come in until everything was already established as safe from the medical personnel that was there but they came in, they had a bunch of security that was with them and I’m sure it was making some of the traffickers nervous but the bottom line is we got in and the purpose of me being there. The purpose of Jim being there was to find Gardi. We needed to find that little boy and find out if there were any other of these kids that belong to parents in the Port eu of Prince area or in Dominican as well. So that was phase one of this operation we had established credibility with the people that were there. I felt somewhat comfortable being there and so we radioed,  used my SA phone and called our ride. Helicopter came and we went back to the Dominican Republic side and went back home. Two weeks later, by this time Jim had convinced me that I would have some protection coming into the port eu prince site and it was super difficult of course to get in from the Dominican side. We couldn’t do it unless we had motorcycles and whatnot. So we figured it would be easier to just fly into Port eu Prince so we did that. This one I took Andy with me. Andy is one of the most seasoned operators. He was very involved in the mission over Super Bowl Sunday and all of the pre op work and flying in multiple times and setting up all of the traffickers for that takedown. And so he came with me on this one and Jim assured us that we would have all the protection that we needed if we flew into the Port eu Prince. And so when we landed in Port eu Prince there was a man that met us at the plane, not even at the waiting area and whatnot. Met us at the plane with a sign with my undercover name on it and so he has this Paul Steal name thing and  we follow him and he takes us back into this special diplomatic room where they do our paperwork privately. So we’re not seen by any locals whatsoever coming into this private area, takes us out this private door, we get into a private car and immediately go straight towards the jungle area where myself, Andy, Jim and there was a couple security personnel. These were guys that worked for the federal police. These were big guys. These were former military. They looked as tough as beans and Jim. Jim said we have to have this kind of security as we’re going into this area and so we had these two guys, they were driving a separate car and we drove five hours to get to the edge of this jungle area. Once we get there, we get out and we’re like okay,  what do we need to do? This is a really treacherous. Trail going down in there. We’re going to have some horseback or we can hike down there and our two security guys said this, “This is as far as we go.” We’re like, ”No, we need to go in there.” They’re like, “No, you can’t even go in there, that’s way too dangerous, we’re here to protect you and going into the jungle is not something we’re going to do.” And this little scene you saw in the movie with the federal police guy is like, uh no nobody goes into that area, that’s super dangerous. That exactly. What happened here is they were like, No , nobody’s going into that jungle area and so me and Andy are sitting there going, ah crap!” We flew all the way here, we drove five hours and we’re not allowed to go into the jungle area because these security guys are scared. That’s not going to work. And we couldn’t just say, “Hey you guys, are were going anywhere? I couldn’t create that contention. So we came up with this idea. We said, “Okay here’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to help them save face.” I went back out and I said “Hey guys, you’re right. This is a pretty dangerous area and Andy and I have all our stuff here in the car and the car itself is here. We’re worried that there might be somebody breaking into the car here on this edge of the Jungle area. Can you guys just stay here? Are you guys good with just staying here and keeping eyes on this? here, you guys have a radio, we’ll have one, don’t radio us unless there’s an emergency whatever else, we’ll do the same with you but you stay here and just watch the car and we’ll go down there.” And they’re like, “yeah yeah we’ll go ahead and start, stay here and watch the car for you.” So that kind of covered their fear and the ego at the same time. So we have a couple horses Andy and I get on the horses. Now I’m dressed in scrubs at this time just like the same scrubs that I was wearing when we flew in the helicopter before to do the free health care clinic just a couple weeks before. So we’re there again, we’re there in the scrub so that the people can recognize who we are. That we were there before with this medical clinic Etc. And our goal on this operation was to reestablish contact with that 13-year-old. Hopefully in a way where we don’t have as many eyeballs that are there watching us and create some distractions so that Jim could go and spend some time in talking to her and finding out exactly where Gardi had been taken and what areas we needed to go next. 

So this was going to be phase two of three. We were going to come back again in a few weeks and this was just intelligence gathering. We were just finding out exactly where he was so we could find out if we needed to fly into a different area, how far away he was, if we needed to get motorcycles, if we needed to camp for weeks on end in order to get  deep enough into where he was. So it took us a good five hours going down this treacherous road and hiking and getting into this deep deep jungle area and we went to the little town that this girl was and there was some other kids that were there, that were working in the fields. This wasn’t the tattoos on your face drug lords with guns and stuff that you saw in the movie. The Guns part of that scene came from an operation that we did in cabal St Lucas, where we had a whole bunch of guns that were on us and some pretty dangerous situations. This didn’t seem as dangerous but the fact that the federal agents would not even venture into this area told us there was a lot going on. Plus the Navy Seals and some of the operators that had gotten chased out with shotguns and pitchforks just a couple months before. So we were hoping that the setup with the medical personnel in the free health care clinic a few weeks before would have settled the nerves of some of the people that were there and they would recognize us as friends, that were there just really coming in to help the kids. We get into this little town where this little girl was. There were a bunch of kids and some adults there and our goal was to distract them while Jim was talking to her and so Andy and I dressed in our scrubs. We opened up a little first aid kit and I had a thermometer, a little digital thermometer and we said we need to take your temperature now none of these guys spoke English and we didn’t speak Creo at all Haitian and with Jim over talking to some of the other kids and shown some pictures Etc. We need to distract everybody else and so we demonstrated and he still took the little temperature thing in my ear and pulled it out and showed them the number on it and wrote it down and they’re like “oh and so finally one of the kids volunteered that he would get his temperature taken as well. So we took his temperature and then we had a little bag of cough drops. So we gave him some medicine, we gave him some cough drops to suck on and one by one all of these kids all lined up to get their temperature taken. As we were bringing them in and distracting him while Jim was talking to this girl. While we were there and taking their temperatures and giving out cough drops. A motorcycle comes into the town and it was the same man that two weeks before had met us at the border in the Dominican side on his motorcycle and told us that all of the borders were shut down and we had told him that back then that we were medical personnel and that we were coming in to help the kids Etc. And so he had already driven his motorcycle back and had told them hey we’re coming in. We’re finding a way to get in there and he was a friend. We hadn’t, tipped him. A few weeks before for helping us and whatnot and so Jim gave him a little bit  of Haitian cash and thanked him and we could tell that he wasn’t one of them. He wasn’t one of the drug lords. He was working with you know. He was traveling back and forth and taking drugs and stuff and on his motorcycle. He was carrying things across the border but he seemed to be a good guy. One of the things you do when you’re undercover is you have to be sensitive to people’s energy to know who to trust to tell who you really are and who not to trust. That was the case with this guy on the motorcycle. Jim felt comfortable enough to talk to him about why we were there and he didn’t tell them. “Hey, we’re undercover looking for this guy.” He just said, “Hey, there’s this little boy that we’re trying to find, that we think is in this area and helping out with some things here.” So you didn’t really tell, “Hey this kid was kidnapped. He was a kid.” So he  showed him the picture and this man on the motorcycle verified everything that little 13-year-old girl said, He said oh yes, that he’s older now but he looks the same and we call him Ali we don’t call him Gardi and I know exactly the area that he is. It’s a long way away from here. It’s way up in the mountains but I can tell take you there. It’s going to take probably a few days if we do that or I can go and get a picture of him and bring it back and you guys can make sure if this is really him then we can figure out how to connect with the people who are working with him. How to get him out whatever we needed to do. So Jim had exchanged contact information with this young man and we bid farewell to the guys that were there in  this little jungle area village and we got back on the horses and went 5 hours back to our cars. I got there late at night and we didn’t have to stay over in the jungle area which was nice and then we met back up with our security guys and drove back to Port eu Prince and got out of there. It was quick. Just  a two-day trip total to be able to get in and out. While we were there in the Port eu Prince. We did find out that the orphanage was out of food again, Andy and I bought about $1,000 worth of rice and beans and everything else we could find and sent it back up to Guesso’s orphanage so that they had plenty of food for the kids. We got back on the plane flew back to the US and we had some meetings. Had some meetings in Mexico with the vice president and some senators that were down there. Talking about some of the after care with the kids and we were planning on going back in. Jim was staying in close contact with the guy on the motorcycle because he did have a phone, had some contact information and at the same time Jim was focused on climbing that totem pole and finding out exactly who was at the top. The fact that four corrupt judges, federal judges got paid off $80,000 by the traffickers to let them out of prison and to put the blame on the Americans. This made Jim mad and there was a lot of political arrest. There was multiple people who believed there was four different federal officers and people that were trying to work for cleaning up the corruption in their country that had suddenly died over a period of a couple months. Died all of them of the same cause just a strange. Just a heart attack right out of the blue and these were healthy men and women that passed away. So Jim was concerned but he was undeterred in his goal to take down the trafficking rings all the way to the top of his country. Again he said back when he found out about the corruption of those corrupt judges. He stood up in the room and he said, “I don’t care if I lose my job, I don’t care if I lose my life, I’m going to clean up the corruption in my country.” Unfortunately those words came true. Yes he did take down some corruption and in fact the president of Haiti months later was assassinated because of all of the crap that was going on and there’s still a lot of corruption that’s going on there but unfortunately the second part of Jim’s commitment came true as well and I got a phone call saying that Jim had passed away. He had died suddenly of a heart attack. Jim was in really good condition. He ate healthy. He wasn’t overweight and this was very very suspicious. Now, he was my only way that I felt comfortable coming into that country to do more operations. He was the only one that had the connections with that man on the motorcycle and had the knowledge of where that little boy had been taken and  it broke my heart knowing that this great man that had dedicated his life to fighting trafficking and taking down the corruption in his country paid the ultimate price. So I flew to Haiti for the last time. One last time to go to Jim’s funeral. I went there with a couple other operators. It was beautiful to meet some people that were pretty high up in the government. The first lady was there and some others and it was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful man. The story doesn’t end here. The sad ending is they still haven’t found Gardi. I had separated from that Foundation fairly soon after because of some other things that you may have heard on my other podcast. And so I wasn’t there to follow up. I know that there were some other operators that tried to go back in to find Gardy that were cut off at the knees with the former federal agent saying no you guys can’t be there. The guy that Jim Cavil plays in the movie Tim said didn’t want to have some of these other operators involved. He wanted to be there and be the one that found Gardi. And that’s fine. Gardi still hasn’t been found. To my knowledge nobody has gone into that upper mountainous area of the Jungle to find him. Some children were recovered and brought back to their families based on that operation but the beautiful ending for me happened during the last few moments in Haiti.

Paul Hutchinson [00:36:19]

I was at the airport, getting ready to come home from my very very last trip to Haiti and standing behind me in the line was a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart. This girl was gorgeous. I found out she was an actress from Colombia that had been in all the TV series and everything and she had been working at an orphanage there in Haiti and helping a bunch of the kids. Some of the very kids that we had rescued in previous operations. She was donating her time there. I tell people meeting a beautiful Colombian actress is kind of cool but when she’s donating her time at an orphanage in Haiti that’s amazing, that’s my kind of girl and she started asking questions about why we were there. I told her, you know, a funeral for one of my dear friends and colleagues and a former operator and something I said made her realize, “What exactly do you guys do here?” and I hinted out a little bit and she flat out ass. She said, “Do you guys do rescue work with this foundation?” and it was the former Foundation that I was working with at the time and I said, “yeah yeah that’s exactly what we do.” And she got emotional. She said, “I’ve been donating to that foundation for years.” She had actually heard about the Colombia Rescue Mission because she was there in Colombia and everybody there heard about how successful that mission was and what’s interesting is that in the movie The Sound of Freedom the one of the bad guys that plays Fuego is named Manny Perez. He’s a good man, he’s a great producer, a great actor, he played the part of the guy who had given that little boy cocaine that morning. The guy who was orchestrating things between the traffickers and the people who were the buyers Etc. and very cold coldhearted trafficker and what had happened is, he years ago had called up Vanessa. so out of Vanessa was this girl that I just met there at the airport. She had gotten a phone call from Manny Perez and he said, Hey, I need your help. I’m trying to get a good Colombian accent and with my Spanish. I need to be a bad guy from Colombia.” She was from the cardIan area and so she says, “okay I can help you with that but what kind? you know there’s different accents, what kind of bad guy?” He goes, “Think of the very worst.” He was under an NDA with us doing the movie. He says, “Think of the very worst bad guy you can possibly think of.” She goes, “Very worst? like what? She said, “I can’t help you unless you really tell me.” He said, “I can’t tell you.” And she said “well maybe tell me some of the other actors because I know a lot of the actors in the area in Colombia that you’re working with, who else are you working with?” He goes, “You wouldn’t know a lot of them. Most of them are kids.” And then it hit her. She said, “You’re involved in the movie about the rescue they did in Colombia?” And he’s like, “how did you know?” She said it just all of a sudden hit her. So fast forward, now she’s there in line right behind me. She had been donating to help rescue kids for years. She’d been donating her time at these orphanages. She knew about the movie that we made. She was involved in counseling the bad guys  on their accents Etc. And all she wanted was to just hear the real stories of the real rescue missions and we talked. It was crazy. God put me in the very very back seat of first class on her in the very front seat of comfort. So I just laid my seat back a little bit and we talked the entire flight all the way back to the US. Then grabbed dinner that night and talked and talked and talked and ended up missing her plane and my plane and ended up developing a beautiful beautiful relationship that ended up in me getting married just last year to this amazing woman. So the beautiful end to the story is that I ended up finding my soulmate and she has been so supportive in the rescue missions that I did. After that point and now she’s the executive director of the Child Liberation Foundation that funds other 501c3’s other NGOs in their rescue missions and their taking down a pedopile rings. They’re very active in the healing space, putting together programs for the safe houses. She’s been directly involved in the victim’s lives that we have helped to rescue over the years and more importantly now that I’m public and I’m able to create awareness for the Child Liberation Foundation we’re able to bring in a lot of new donor money that can be used for the safe houses, for the healing programs and eventually help to eradicate child trafficking. 

This has been a hard podcast for me because I lost a dear dear friend and in the end we didn’t rescue a whole bunch of kids. We did get some good Intel as to where Gardi was. All I can do is hope and pray that some of the other foundations that are working there are following up on some of those leads and eventually he can be brought home to his family. Until then it is good to know that he’s alive and that he’s being treated fairly. This little girl in Haiti said that they weren’t being abused, they were just working for some of the big drug farms that were in the area and working hard but he’s in a decent place and hopefully soon he can be brought back to spend time with his family until then because I’m not doing undercover work. All I can do is just spread these messages, tell these stories to maybe inspire you, maybe make you mad but the whole story behind all of the rescue missions. Very soon I’m going to be talking a lot more about the healing side and what really needs to happen to help Humanity break free from these bonds of slavery not only in child trafficking but in adult trafficking and the bonds that we all have. Every one of us that is holding us back we’re all slaves in some way, slaves of our addictions, slaves of our financial condition, slaves of our childhood trauma,  slaves of our depression, anxiety all of these things are affecting us in every way of our life and we’re going to talk a lot more about those. I have a lot of amazing guests that we’ll be bringing on people who are survivors, who were trafficked as children and talking about their stories of recovery and life and healing so until then. Thank you.

Thank you for joining another episode of the Liberating Humanity Podcast. My name is Paul Hutchinson you can follow me on any of the social media platforms at Liberating Humanity or go to liberatinghumanity.com to get some great information for ways that you can keep your family safe, ways that you can go into deep meditation and breathwork and other things to help you release a lot of your own trauma as well and become a better parent and a better protector of these children. So if you like this, please like and forward this to your friends and family so that we can share these messages with the world. Thank you for joining me.

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